Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

Cyno01 16 mai. 2013 às 15:18
Anybody ever finish this?
Never could finish the second to last mission, id give the wormhole a wide berth, but id get to a certain point and get sucked in or something, never could really tell, and just fail out of nowhere.
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What realy fails... The game? Software I mean? Or you can't catch the point?
THE_RaBiD_CanuK 20 mai. 2013 às 3:11 
You have to fly to the various way points to each wormhole, 'cause they're 'safe zones'. Also, I had engines at 200% for a lot of it.
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Postado a: 16 mai. 2013 às 15:18
Comentários: 2