Trenches of War

Trenches of War

funny Jan 13, 2018 @ 8:44am
Unit Ideas
First off, if it gets too much, do what thee holy developers did in mobile: cursor over a unit to bring up a menu.
SMG: Fast-firing fast-running infantry. 300 in price.
LMG: Fast-firing high-damage slow-walking infantry. 300 in price.
Bayonet-Charging Soldier: Basically normal infantry but faster and does more damage to entrenched enemies. 100 in price.
Sapper: Can tunnel down below the enemy trench. When meeting with enemy sappers it acts like nornal infantry in combat. When below the enemy trench it plants a bomb. When the ground above gets hit by tank/artillery shells, receives damage. 300 in price.
Last edited by funny; Jan 18, 2018 @ 7:41am
Date Posted: Jan 13, 2018 @ 8:44am
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