King's Bounty: Crossworlds

King's Bounty: Crossworlds

gargamell999 Jan 30, 2015 @ 1:25pm
black screen when running.
first... the developer traid marks do not run correctly. the music play's but the visual movie clip dose not play. it just shows a black screen. the main menue dose load up, the screen where the king is runs and shows visually. but when you leave the castle the stuff on the bottom of the page are shown. but the main screen above is a black screen. when you wave the mouse around i can see various icons to interact with. the over head compass runs well though.
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
5M0k1N Jan 30, 2015 @ 1:35pm 
that sounds pretty bad. did you try updating video drivers and directx?
gargamell999 Jan 31, 2015 @ 6:07am 
ok i have done all the required driver up dates. (IE get the unwanted ASK search engine piggy backed from the java updates. i think that the piggy back of ask is a big FRAUD and java should be hit with a 50 million dallor law suit.) ( get the BING piggy back load from some hardware driver upgrade,, yes the same old FRAUD) and the game is still BLACK .
5M0k1N Jan 31, 2015 @ 12:47pm 
huh? why would you update java? that doesnt have anything to do with this lol
just update directx and your graphic card video drivers (nvidia or amd)
gargamell999 Jan 31, 2015 @ 1:42pm 
i went to the support page for this game....... there is a list of links that are recamended up dates. one of those is java. thank you for trying to help.
gargamell999 Jan 31, 2015 @ 3:02pm 
sorry 5mok1n BUT!!!!! i just put down $30 and got a big AMD driver download and installization.
for your knowledge when i went to nvidia they wanted me to do a JAVA update FIRST!!!!

the game is still BLACK.
5M0k1N Jan 31, 2015 @ 3:17pm 
what do you mean you put down 30$? do you have an AMD or Nvidia card? not sure why you mention both video cards
gargamell999 Feb 2, 2015 @ 5:41am 
well i'm just a unedgucated computer game player. AMD? nvidia? thats like two fat men talking about counting calaries in the Kmart candy ile .... ok the nvidia site did not find anything that needed updated. so i jumped into the AMD and they had a requirement to BUY a one year subscription of their driver service's. $30 for one computer for one year, then they went and looked at my computer. they saw that i needed a lot of updates. downloaded and installed about 400 mg's of various files. yes i really NEED a new computer.
5M0k1N Feb 2, 2015 @ 10:45am 
why did you pay 30 for that lol. also im not sure AMD sells that but whatever..
thing is you need to know what video card you have
theres some methods to do that there. and just because youre missing drivers you dont need a new computer lol. you just download them :p
Last edited by 5M0k1N; Feb 2, 2015 @ 10:45am
MafiaCheese Feb 4, 2015 @ 10:58am 
For me, all i had to do was Turn OFF Anti Aliasing and that was it.
gargamell999 Feb 4, 2015 @ 5:19pm 
thankyou mr cheese, your imformation was really helpfull. it got rid of the black screen. 50 munk1nubby is just a troll.
5M0k1N Feb 4, 2015 @ 5:21pm 
damn not only a noob but also an ungrateful one :(
i guess its hard to help somebody that doesnt even understand what updating video card drivers means but just a quick search in these forums will tell you that doing that is a normal solution for the black screen issue
but why do i bother telling you this anyways? :)
Last edited by 5M0k1N; Feb 4, 2015 @ 5:36pm
gargamell999 Feb 5, 2015 @ 2:12am 
5mok1N all you had to say is what mafiacheese told me about the anti aliasing. your constant LOL enjoyment was not needed. so i used your link to find my video card. my card upgrade put forth just another anti virrus program piggy back fraud. now i have some no name scam called slow pc fighter, that i can not fully get rid of. i have delited all the related files to this slow pc fighter and did a search for it and it is still coming up on start up. i have no idea as to how to completely get rid of it.
gargamell999 Feb 5, 2015 @ 2:17am 
hey 5mok1n are you aware of the abby scam? the east indian who calls people claiming to be a employee of microsoft and is selling abby anti virrus programs on the side? i get that scam 3 or 5 times a week over the land line telephone.
5M0k1N Feb 5, 2015 @ 9:29am 
dude wtf are you talking about. updating video drivers is a standard procedure. if you somehow got into some shaddy website then im sorry but thats unheard off.
Originally posted by gargamell999:
5mok1N all you had to say is what mafiacheese told me about the anti aliasing
except that in PC theres hundreds of variables, the fact that what malcheese did worked for you as well its just coincidence and mafiacheese only knew about it because it had happened to himself but if you look at another threads (which is what i did before replying to you) that never comes up

and how did these people find your land line telephone? thats for amd and thats nvidia
if you google nvidia drivers or amd drivers those two come up. im not sure what you did but updating drivers is like the first step in troubleshooting these issues

if you got infected with something then you should get some antiviruses (and considering your lack of experience on web browsing id say theyre a good idea for you). you can also try using combofix which might remove it without needing to install anything or just download something like malwarebytes

gargamell999 Feb 5, 2015 @ 12:48pm 
i use two anti V's malwarebytes, and trend micro titanium. malwer is free and titanium is $85 a year. why are you mutaiting the phone scam with nvidia? the east india phone scam is a fisher that calls everyboby all over the planet.

you might as well look for my new thread idea in the forums for new ideas / suggestions. it will have your name in it.
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Date Posted: Jan 30, 2015 @ 1:25pm
Posts: 17