Alien Swarm

Alien Swarm

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Alien Swarm Player Reduction
To me, this game is awesome. all that co-op and guns make this good's too bad that this game is part of the past now. I RARELY find any rooms now. it really needs a sequel for this with more achievements, characters, player slots, and MAINLY, campaigns andweapons and stuff. i'm even willing to pay 20 dollars-30 bucks for this.
So in conclusion, although this game is old, it does NOT mean you should quit. It's very fun to play. also, fell free to send me friend requests to play with me alien swarm. Thanks.
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most ppl play on dedicated servers, so just use server browser, pick a close server and u will find company. i rarely have to wait more than 5min to have someone join me, even in the most ungaming time of the day.
I don't get it.
RustyGemp a écrit :
I don't get it.
wow, are you that stupid?
Wow, why do you have to be so mean?
wow, why do you have to be annoying?
I agree, it could use some working on. I played it a while back and stopped and re-downloaded it a few days ago. No one on :( meh, lol.
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Posté le 2 juin 2013 à 12h59
Messages : 6