Alien Swarm

Alien Swarm

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Dmitriy 9 DIC 2012 a las 10:41
Reactive Drop Feedback
Reactive Drop is an Alien Swarm mod. Please post bugs, ideas and any feedback in this thread.

Old feedback thread
Última edición por Dmitriy; 27 MAY 2014 a las 5:48
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Mostrando 1-15 de 92 comentarios
Office Survival 0.6 would be a great map addition if it was added. I've known about this map before but I forgot about it.
Krisis 17 MAR 2014 a las 6:50 
Game needs some balancing:

-make Tesla usefull (Maybe freeze enemy while shooting at him / or turn swarm friendly [pet])
-Flamer or flames in general make nearly no dmg (greatly increase direct dmg)
-make Freeze Sentry usefull (maybe same effect as Tesla)
-increase autogun/minigun dmg
-increase all sentry dmg

-make Freeze Grenades usefull (maybe flash/drone effect on enemies for a few sec)
-nerf Smart Bomb!
-make Electric Charged armor usefull (maybe same effect as Tesla or Freeze Grenades)

-gg should need more than just 1 kill to get next weapon.
Dmitriy 17 MAR 2014 a las 8:28 
how would you like spawnprotection to work? Do you mean to make player invulnurable for 2 seconds after he spawned?
Krisis 17 MAR 2014 a las 8:53 
how about invulnerable for 3 seconds but turns off as soon as the player fires. Some kind of spawnprotection really is needed.
Dmitriy 16 ABR 2014 a las 11:54 
Quake sounds will be ready in the next version.
Some new videos of our recent games
Nicky Larson 17 ABR 2014 a las 1:57 
yes no more damages with them.... and it would be awesome if tesla could stun other players in pvp mod ^^
Nicky Larson 17 ABR 2014 a las 2:26 
and freeze grenades freeze other players ^^
Nicky Larson 17 ABR 2014 a las 2:33 
other point Dim ^^ we always respawn in fire on deima, that sucks ;-)
+DS_DV+ 17 ABR 2014 a las 8:12 
Very NIce :D
Dmitriy 19 ABR 2014 a las 0:12 
Don't you think that freeze grenade freezing other player will be too overpowered? The jump jet had this feature: it knocked back marines when you land, many players told this was too overpowered...
Hornets will be fixed in next version. As do spawnpoints.

I hope to add some new aliens and new maps for the next release:

Would be great if some mappers could use new features I've added in game and make some new maps.
Krisis 19 ABR 2014 a las 1:51 
As I said before:
-make Freeze Grenades usefull (maybe flash/drone effect on enemies for a few sec)
I think you just have to make freeze grenades, freeze turrets, tesla,
and electric charged armor usefull in some way first.
When you do so, we can play and balance them out after.

And I'm very excited about the new aliens!!
Última edición por Krisis; 19 ABR 2014 a las 1:58
Nicky Larson 19 ABR 2014 a las 2:13 
i agree with my spiritual leader :-)
Krisis 27 ABR 2014 a las 4:09 
rd_default_weapon should be a squadleader command;
squadleader should also be able to disable all findable weapons and/or items.
There should also be a command to disable all the skills (like health increase, wepon dmg)
and give all maximum skills (like in instagib) in riflemod.

sentries should be team related
Última edición por Krisis; 27 ABR 2014 a las 11:47
Krisis 29 ABR 2014 a las 13:08 
Yeah, you are totally right, but I guess there is one problem. Dime is working alone on this great mod and I don't know how good he is with UIs. I think he needs more people who are able to help him. Sadly I don't know much about modding, but I guess I can make a great beta tester to help balancing things out and bring ideas.
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Publicado el: 9 DIC 2012 a las 10:41
Mensajes: 92