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omnius Oct 25, 2023 @ 8:23am
How Do We Get Dragoons?
I'm trying to figure out how to get Dragoons and wonder if they're part of the Power Up Kit for the game console version. I have the PC version and I found that Masamune Date has the Dragon's Rise Resolve which has Dragoons as one of the clan resolve traits. The only reference to Dragoons here on this discussion board says something about it being clan specific.

I'm wondering if it's Resolve specific where if any clan chooses the Dragon's Rise resolve then it would be eligible to get Dragoons. I also wonder if it's linked to some policy tech that the clan with this resolve can choose as a tech. I hope someone with more knowledge of the game can clue me in as to how we get Dragoons in the PC version.

I'm also wondering if Dragoons might be scenario specific. I find Masamune Date is the daimyo in the fictional 1615 scenario so perhaps Dragoons may only show up in this late scenario where Masamune starts out with the Dragon's Rise resolve.
Last edited by omnius; Oct 25, 2023 @ 9:29am
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Silva Oct 25, 2023 @ 1:52pm 
It's a long time since I've played Taishi so I don't remember. But I doubt it's scenario specific, much less one starting in 1615, since in all other games dragoons are available much earlier and to other clans besides Date.

I sugggest asking in this forum, since there are more Taishi players there:
omnius Oct 26, 2023 @ 6:28am 
Silva - Thanks for the tip. I've joined to see if I can post a query. Didn't see anything using search. I'm hoping I get official acceptance as a member so I can post a question on their forum.

In testing I'm beginning to think that Dragoons are linked to the Dragon's Rise resolve which Masamune Date has to begin the 1615 scenario. I checked other daimyo's of the Date clan before Masamune but they don't have the proper resolve so don't do dragoons. I imagine other clans could use dragoons if they choose the Dragon's Rise resolve when a daimyo dies and a new daimyo gets selected. That resolve specifically mentions having dragoons. When I start the 1615 scenario with Masamune Date in charge I can field dragoons on the very first turn. Nothing in officer tactics has this specific dragoons tactic which I now see in that first little army I create which includes two dragoon units. Trying to nail down a definitive answer for my next video.
omnius Oct 27, 2023 @ 7:33am 
@Silva - Your suggestion about the tapatalk website yielded an excellent answer. Here's the witty and wise answer I received.

"Acquiring Dragoons is simple; either have certain Resolves or Daimyo like Masamune Date, or have certain officers (I think either Masamune, Kojuro Katakura, or some third person) in your clan so that they can propose a policy which, when enacted, allows you to constitute Dragoon units by merging Muskets with Horses (consumes both).

To understand what it means to be a Dragoon, it helps to contextualize what their component parts do.

Horses increase the movement speed of the units with them and grant the Cavalry Charge tactic (which appears to have an invisible cooldown lasting multiple turns) with the real bonus being how that substantial speed buff allows them to easily flank and raid/ambush enemy units for sustained morale damage. They can't use their Cavalry Charges during the rain, snow, or when the grounds are muddy. Not that big of a deal since the real benefit of horsemen are their speed.

Muskets grant the Barrage tactic, executable every turn, and deals both damage and morale damage with potency dependent on how many lines are lit red and how close the enemy is (closer equals greater power) and are best used like 18th century line infantry to box and shoot down enemies who can't really do anything to respond besides try to do the same thing. Similar to horsemen, they can't shoot under inclement weather (rain or snow) so luck is ultimately their greatest weakness.

Dragoons are essentially OP Samurai Cowboys; they yeehaw their barrages, dealing massive morale damage based on proximity (closer, and more lines connecting, means more morale damage) and can skedaddle before the enemy sheriff even knows what hit them before pincering them from behind with their trusty stallions; with these rascals, "defeat" shouldn't be a consideration even if it were to rain for the entire battle simply because they still have their speed to run circles around the enemy with. Their weakness is being expensive to support (they consume both muskets AND horses, so making everybody a cowboy costs a bit of time and money, but is totally worth it if you can).

Unless you found a Japanese wiki and have been using Google Translate (assuming you aren't Japanese), I'm not sure what wiki you're referring to since pretty much all information about this game is passed along at campfires created by hardcore roaming fans traveling cross-country in search of the mythical "PK." "

Now I'll be able to do a short segment on dragoons including a small battle that shows how dragoons are formed as well as how they operate on the battlefield.
Last edited by omnius; Oct 28, 2023 @ 6:31am
Silva Oct 28, 2023 @ 8:02pm 
I'm glad it helped, @Omnius.
omnius Oct 29, 2023 @ 7:18am 
@Silva - I did a video showing how dragoons work, including a tactical battle where I show how they are formed and their special dragoons order during battle.
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