Intelligent Design: An Evolutionary Sandbox

Intelligent Design: An Evolutionary Sandbox

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Sean  [developer] May 12, 2017 @ 3:10pm
If I don't answer your question read this...
I'm reading all the posts here but there are some questions about the game I'm not going to answer because I want you to work it out. Part of the game is asking questions and the other part is answering questions. Come up with questions, make hypothesises and design experiments to test those hypothesises. Help each other find the answers to those questions… …I’m trying to give you a taste of science and research – part of that is not knowing the answer.

Just didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you!
< >
Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Sky Dala Clouds May 13, 2017 @ 5:53am 
i have a question. there lines over some of my plants are thos heat lines are what? right now i think i figered out the game 100% and over 500 score so far just wanted to know what thos lines are.
Sean  [developer] May 13, 2017 @ 7:14am 
:) ... see my post above ... however I will throw you a bone... listen to the sound when that happens.
Drakedge May 14, 2017 @ 1:03am 
I found your feedback would be nice item. So my present feedback, would be that I feel like there needs to be a way to look at a specific plant / herbie / carnie and determine WHAT it is. That way you have more attachment to them.

Like, oh! The Grabthors are elite carnavors, they are avenging, with hammers!
Redrusty66 May 14, 2017 @ 9:55am 
though i agree with the concept, and mostly works, this is a game, on a game platform, in a game client. This isn't a college dorm or lecture hall, and this is a game, not homework. In the game world, such a statement could be taken as a lack of ability to answer/create guides or tutorials. (Especially with such base graphics and Alpha/Beta base atmosphere). Just saying, because that rubbed me a bit wrong. Especially the way you worded it. Easter eggs concepts and surprises are fine. coming across as thoguh you'd like your players to figure out your game FOR you or that it's some sort of college homework is a
Last edited by Redrusty66; May 14, 2017 @ 9:56am
Sparksoldier May 14, 2017 @ 11:13am 
This isn't a question about lore, considering you aren't gonna answer those, which is how it should be

But where should we give suggestions? I have several that I would like to give, such as an option to hold the A or space button when teleporting in seeds to get a bigger batch (the lag associated with spamming A or space is destroying me lol) and advanced options (which i am sure you are working on) to tweak specific settings of the game.
Sean  [developer] May 14, 2017 @ 11:20am 
Originally posted by Sparksoldier:
This isn't a question about lore, considering you aren't gonna answer those, which is how it should be

But where should we give suggestions? I have several that I would like to give, such as an option to hold the A or space button when teleporting in seeds to get a bigger batch (the lag associated with spamming A or space is destroying me lol) and advanced options (which i am sure you are working on) to tweak specific settings of the game.

In the new forum I just created!
Drakedge May 14, 2017 @ 3:57pm 
The game suffers in late stages. I have the latest and greatest i7 proc, and 16 gigs of RAM, and 2 gtx 980s. SS880 SSD drives... but right around when i hit a world score of 50,000+ there were about 1,000 herbies, and 1200 carnivors with about 400 large plants producing rapidly. I went from 60 fps to 18.
Captaincrunch May 15, 2017 @ 6:10am 
I wonder how successful this strategy will be Sean? Maybe we might see the community figure things out. Since you have a leader board though and some level of competition, however, my more pessimistic side suspects the opposite will occur and that good players will hide what they know.

There are also limits to what we can actually research even with force fields. Without the ability to track/identify an organism, it is very hard to conduct experiments in a reasonable fashion. So the discovered knowledge is gold :P

These two reasons may work to prevent sharing information.
afatpenguin May 17, 2017 @ 8:52am 
When I change a trait of an organism in the genetics menu then change another trait, are both changes applied to the creature?
Sean  [developer] May 17, 2017 @ 9:27am 
Hannibal May 25, 2017 @ 9:06pm 
Are you going to continue to add features and update the game or is it done? I love games on evolution but this seems pretty bare bones. Could be great if it's not already abandoned.
Sean  [developer] May 26, 2017 @ 12:07am 
I set out to make a $7 game and that's what this is.

It is meant to be simple and I explain that on the store page description. A few people say it seems bare bones but I honestly don't know what that means...

I'll always update the game if people find bugs (I'm actually quite proud of how few bugs people are finding). In terms of new features I have a wish list of things I want to add which are quite complicated to add and will require a lot of time. I don't think it needs those extra features (otherwise I wouldn't have released the game) but if I get enough income from the project I'll put in the extra time to add them.

The game will not be abandoned but it isn't early access. This is the game I set out to make, some people are playing it A LOT (more than me) and I want to add some data collection features for them and some ways of sharing custom creatures. Anything I will add will likely be quality of life stuff.
BionicDance Oct 1, 2019 @ 5:24pm 
A few people say it seems bare bones but I honestly don't know what that means...

I'll tell you what it means: it means that it lacks a lot of bells and whistles that would make a game with this concept a lot more stimulating/interesting/pretty.

For example, it would be really nice if the creatures and plants had phenotypic differences that are influenced by their genetics.
Right now, plants are just cylinders and creatures are just...well, warped spheres, I guess.
Their only differences are very basic shape and color changes, and it's not super-easy to tell which way on a creature is front. It's quite difficult to distinguish one species from another just by looking at it our mousing over it.

For that matter, it's awfully difficult to tell what's happening.
Did that creature just eat that other one? I don't know. They're moving so fast, it's hard to tell who is doing what to whom.
Was that plant eaten by an herbivore? I can't tell; it just disappeared.

I mean, it's one thing to hide the game mechanics in order to get us to's quite another to confuse the players with graphics and gameplay that are difficult to interpret. And that difficulty comes largely from the fact that it's "bare bones".
If this were a triple-A title made by a huge production company, those creatures would look like creatures, the plants would have branches and leaves, and any interactions between creatures and plants would be animated in such a way that we know what they're doing.
Obviously, this isn't a triple-A title, but...well, the gameplay gets into the realm of whatinheck-is-going-on at times as a result.

That's one way it's "bare bones"; I could describe more, but it might start to sound a bit insulting.
I haven't worked in games professionally since 2001, and I know things have changed a lot. I'm not a programmer, I'm an artist, so I don't know what goes into making a game like this. I just know what it's like to play it, and what would make it a better experience. For me.
trapani2 Sep 4, 2020 @ 3:07pm 
All that being said this game is abandoned anyway.
upuaut Mar 28, 2021 @ 5:38am 
Originally posted by trapani2:
All that being said this game is abandoned anyway.
Yes sadly it´s dead. Well that is evolution as well....
< >
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