The Painscreek Killings

The Painscreek Killings

tvsporto 2023 年 4 月 24 日 下午 11:53
Feels like a tiny hidden object game on the Steam Deck…
There’s obviously so much detail and love put into this game that I hesitate to criticize. My brother played it on PC and considers it one of his all-time faves. So, I thought I’d give it a go on my new Steam Deck.

While the controls are really good, the tiny text just makes this game a chore. Diary entries can be extremely hard to make out at times. I’ve found that I sometimes will just resort to taking photos with my iPhone instead and zooming in. The Steam Deck’s zoom is often just not enough here.

The end result is that this often feels like a hidden object game with 95% of the doors locked. It’s keys or bust here and I’m in possession of a very limited microscope. That’s quite frustrating. Maybe some other Steam Deck players might disagree. I really like the sense of mystery in the game but just not sure how long I will go on here. The game’s scope and style lend itself very well to the Steam Deck but the text size is an absolute killer. Personally, the game is hard enough on its own without this additional roadblock.

Steam Deck players, what do you think? Is the diary and letter text too small for you and how did you get around it? In a game like this, text is everything.
最后由 tvsporto 编辑于; 2023 年 4 月 24 日 下午 11:56