Football Manager 2018

Football Manager 2018

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FM18 application does not open
Since yesterday I can no longer open Football Manager 2018 from steam. The application is not responding. I haven't done any recent OS updates or anything. Does anyone else have the same problem?
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7 yorumdan 1 ile 7 arası gösteriliyor
runs fine for me. good luck!
try to reinstal it
i'm having same issue, i've reinstalled it but still happening!!!!!
Thank u guys... i've reinstalled. Now its work correctly!
I installed update on Macbook earlier and now FM18 won't open, it says the platform is invalid, can anyone help?
I had this issue, until I deleted my preferences folder - which clears old settings that may no longer be compatible.
Thank you, but still no joy, any other suggestions?
En son joshmountain tarafından düzenlendi; 5 Oca 2021 @ 2:25
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7 yorumdan 1 ile 7 arası gösteriliyor
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