Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

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Axeidis Jun 22, 2021 @ 11:02pm
possible bug on archer?
does anyone else have problems with attacks not always registerring with the archer? i have a brand new mouse so im 99.999% sure its not hardware, but while im aiming, quite often the game wont register me attacking, this happens the most when im doing charged shots. ill click and hold but nothing happens, so i have to try again. really cuts out on the flow, especially when i notice after a charged shots worth of time, that the shot hasnt actually charged. also a problem with while aiming and fast attacking, it stopping the aim and registering a melee attack instead. even when i have not let go of the aim button

has anyone else had these issues? so i can confirm whether or not its my keyboard and mouse, or if its the game. i dont have these kinds of issues in any other game, which is why i think it is the game and not the hardware.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
MixxlePlix Jun 22, 2021 @ 11:11pm 
I have had that issue a lot. along with random other moves happening. For example I will be aiming and when I fire instead of shooting where I am aiming my character jumps in to the air and slams back into the ground. not sure where this is all coming from I also have a new steel series mouse and have no issues in any other game.
Blade12775 Jun 23, 2021 @ 12:33am 
I have the same problems as well. A couple of problems that I have is when I am and shoot sometimes the shot doesn't charge and even though I'm holding down to aim it won't aim and just do a normal attack.
Fourmoyle Jun 23, 2021 @ 12:39am 
In one of the youtube reviews the reviewer mentions that if you press the attack button too fast consecutively it will not register the attack pressed while your animation is executing? So you stand there pressing and the game sits there thinking you're doing nothing.

Yeah, this is a thing. This game is a gem.
Last edited by Fourmoyle; Jun 23, 2021 @ 1:26am
Fourmoyle Jun 23, 2021 @ 12:39am 
Originally posted by MixxlePlix:
I have had that issue a lot. along with random other moves happening. For example I will be aiming and when I fire instead of shooting where I am aiming my character jumps in to the air and slams back into the ground. not sure where this is all coming from I also have a new steel series mouse and have no issues in any other game.

The streamer I am currently watching is having that same flipping in the air thing for their archer.

This game is WILD.
Geist Jun 23, 2021 @ 1:03am 
The timing for it is weird. You have to wait for the animation to finish.
Axeidis Jun 23, 2021 @ 1:23am 
Originally posted by MixxlePlix:
I have had that issue a lot. along with random other moves happening. For example I will be aiming and when I fire instead of shooting where I am aiming my character jumps in to the air and slams back into the ground. not sure where this is all coming from I also have a new steel series mouse and have no issues in any other game.

yes!!! this exactly. hopefully it gets polished soon
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Date Posted: Jun 22, 2021 @ 11:02pm
Posts: 6