DO NOT Upload or Livestream This Game, Livestream Ability REVOKED!
I was livestreaming Fate Extella Link, and the single 3 hour stream received about 4 copyright claims and 4 blocked. Now, these aren't the same as copyright claims so thankfully my YouTube channel won't get taken down; however, when a livestream is blocked on YouTube, your livestreaming privileges are instantly revoked. My channel is: https://www.youtube.com/c/BAIGAMING

I don't care about claims, it means that the video creator doesn't get money but the developer/publisher does, so that's okay because my channel doesn't get punished for that. But blocking the video worldwide unfortunately makes YouTube think I'm streaming illegal content, which leads to my livestreaming privileges being revoked. Here's a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/YbF5bR6 even though no strikes, livestreams revoked due to having a blocked livestream on my record.

I'm in the process of talking to YouTube Support regarding this, but I thought I'd let everyone here know because I don't want any fellow streamers to get banned from playing this game, a single stream of this game can lead to your livestream permissions getting revoked for months, it's not worth the trouble. Here is a screenshot of my stream blocked, it's audiovisual content every hour or so, not just one specific instance of the game: https://imgur.com/a/4q7NQob So if you plan on streaming, I don't think you can avoid it, it looks like Nintendo-style claiming.

I was looking forward to this title for months, I really loved the previous game and I had streamed/uploaded gameplay of the previous game when it was new, the videos I made with giant Altera are my most popular videos to date and brought a LOT of attention to the game. But this is really horrible, now I can't livesteam because the developers/publishers blocked the video like mad and it's likely going to take months to get it resolved because I'm a smaller content creator.

This is the kind of behaviour I'd suspect from Konami and Nintendo, not you folks. I really don't like doing this kind of thing, making a post and complaining, but I've seldom seen this behaviour from any other game publishers, and again, I played through the previous title with no issues like this whatsoever. I'm definitely going to stay away from Marvelous games in the future and I'm certainly going to warn fellow content creators not to play this game.

So my warning to you all, stay away from uploading and streaming this game unless you want your channel to get repercussions.
Автор останньої редакції: BAI GAMING; 20 берез. 2019 о 12:46
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OK so I spoke with Marvelous Europe regarding the situation, and it turns out the game has a restriction on streaming/uploading. You cannot stream past Day 3 of the game, so watch out! This was not communicated well at all...

Unfortunately I did not know this, and ended up having my livestreaming abilities revoked on my YouTube channel for streaming an hour of content past Day 3. Marvelous Europe sympathizes with my situation, but told me they cannot do anything about my livestreaming ability on YouTube. And YouTube doesn't have support at all, though I have put a post on their YouTube Community forum with no responses. I will look into disputing the claim or something, but it's really terrible that streaming the game automatically triggers YouTube to revoke your livestreaming privileges. This is much, much worse than a Nintendo, Konami, or Atlus game.

So if you want to stream or upload videos of the game, DON'T!
I hate how companies do this. Atlus did this with Persona 5 as well.

Do they not know streaming and video content gets them free advertisement and that a vast, VAST majority of gamers watch streams and/or Youtube videos of the games they're interested in?

Punishing these kind of behavior is more counter-productive than it is helpful. It just bogles my mind.
Unfortunately for Marvelous Europe, a game that they don't want you to see is, forever in my eyes a bad game. Won't be going near it with a ten foot pole. I "sympathise" with their position though.
Wow, holy crap I had plans streaming this on the weekend but looks like there won't be any of it.

Thanks for the warning. Gonna play this without record/stream then.
I've seen people get around it by either censoring the story scenes or just showing the actual gameplay sections.
thanks for this.
i'm never gonna leave my ship and a bottle of rhum.
gonna keep sailing the high seas.
yarr matey.
@Magic Ball

Thank you for the info.

Цитата допису chappu:
I hate how companies do this. Atlus did this with Persona 5 as well.

Do they not know streaming and video content gets them free advertisement and that a vast, VAST majority of gamers watch streams and/or Youtube videos of the games they're interested in?

Punishing these kind of behavior is more counter-productive than it is helpful. It just bogles my mind.

There are many people disagree with this completely, I am one of them:
  • such games do not need real advertisement. Either you are a fan or not. You won’t buy a game just because a stream or a boring LetsPlay
  • there are games that, well, don’t need to be played, just be seen - For example Telltale games or Adventures. There are only few differences if I play it myself or watch it on YT >>> ironically Telltale went bankrupt (Evil to him who evil thinks…)
  • Your argument that a “VAST majority of gamers watch streams and/or Youtube videos of the games they're interested in” is just a thesis, can you prove it?
    Yes, we watch professional or amateur gameplay reviews of 10-20 minutes but we don’t want the entire game to be spoiled
Цитата допису chappu:
I hate how companies do this. Atlus did this with Persona 5 as well.

Do they not know streaming and video content gets them free advertisement and that a vast, VAST majority of gamers watch streams and/or Youtube videos of the games they're interested in?

Punishing these kind of behavior is more counter-productive than it is helpful. It just bogles my mind.

Yeah, it's really terrible and makes people suspicious of the game. For example, Left Alive has everything restricted videos and streaming, which is sadly a horrible game. But it's almost like Konami knew that and wanted people to not know this and buy the game anyways. When people see/hear about restrictions, people assume something is wrong with the game.

Цитата допису Poverty:
Unfortunately for Marvelous Europe, a game that they don't want you to see is, forever in my eyes a bad game. Won't be going near it with a ten foot pole. I "sympathise" with their position though.

This, restricting it makes everything look fishy.

Цитата допису betamax88:
Wow, holy crap I had plans streaming this on the weekend but looks like there won't be any of it.

Thanks for the warning. Gonna play this without record/stream then.

Yeah watch out. I would've suggested only showing gameplay, but there are cutscenes spread all throughout missions.

Цитата допису Village Idiot:
I've seen people get around it by either censoring the story scenes or just showing the actual gameplay sections.

True, this is what you should do. But it is annoying because cutscenes are spread out during the missions which can be claimed, it's really not ideal for streaming because you'd need to censor stuff quickly, but for editing and uploading videos it's ok.
Цитата допису Magic Balls:
OK so I spoke with Marvelous Europe regarding the situation, and it turns out the game has a restriction on streaming/uploading. You cannot stream past Day 3 of the game, so watch out! This was not communicated well at all...

I'm not a lawyer, so take this as you will.

U.S. folks have fair use to back them up.

Most Europeans would have an easy time proving that you're not copying the work of the publisher/developer nor are you able to confuse the general public, with said broadcast, that you are the rightful owner of the IP over simply playing their game for others to watch over the Internet.

So in short, stream to your heart's content and fight claims so XSEED/Marvelous get flagged for false claims.

Автор останньої редакції: Strid; 21 берез. 2019 о 17:46
Your problem is as simple as 'Youtube', or so I believe. I've streamed this game twice on Twitch gaining no issues. I didn't see any muted parts, or anything after. People are migrating over to Twitch because it's less stingy in that regards. You still see muted areas, but that's about it.

It's the fault of Youtube and people have been getting copyright claimed in a blackmail and baited manner making them lose control of their own channel so there's less incentive to use Youtube when you can just be on Twitch.

Yeah..... I'll pin this all on Youtube's broken system. Have you tried Vimeo, or anything from it's side? Twitch? Vimeo? Dailymotion? I don't know. Youtube is just broken.
Автор останньої редакції: ArcticuKitsu; 22 берез. 2019 о 0:31
Good thing i just googled it and found your Thread here, streamed the first Part on youtube and got lucky, second part i had on Twitch and Uploaded it on youtube and then they also Hit me. Uff and it even was a Game one of my Viewers gave me some Days ago...
But Thanks also.
out of topic , that they also remove item form store while on sale period. i didn't expect this game to be this bad. but their PR is horrendous.
Goetia was right all along
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Опубліковано: 20 берез. 2019 о 7:29
Дописів: 13