Legends of Ellaria

Legends of Ellaria

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Broken achievements
@devs or maybe someone can help: These achievements are not triggering: Produce 100 iron, produce 300 food, produce 50 research and also clear bandit camps and destroy bandit camps and maybe also goblin ones are not working.

For example Iron maker (produce 100 iron) is at 5/100 and not going further, whatever you do: produce iron through iron mine, find iron ore on map, mine iron yourself on boulders, produce iron on puting gear in blacksmith chest.

Also if you clear bandit camps it's not counted, something wrong? Does it need to be some special camp?

If the game is abandoned then it's really bad move from devs to put achievements which are not working. Yes, i know, nowadays almost every 2nd game has broken achievements, but on other hand it's so easy to test them, of course not if devs introduced super grind achievements, they will never test them.
Dernière modification de F4/80; 16 févr. 2022 à 12h01
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F4/80 20 févr. 2022 à 10h27 
Buged over buged over buged game!

Finished the game, which was a pain with all the loading times, floating mountains and stones, dungeons and cave with no exit and found out that there are at least 12 if not 14 broken achievements!

All clear and destroy camps achievements are broken!
Where are 2 weapons: Thorn and Wordslayer?
Collect iron only works with accessories not with iron stuff, all other researcher and farmer not working!
Killing the dark lord not triggering achievement!
And so on and so on.

Please fix your game!
To everyone else: stay away from this game if you are interested in achievements!
Mod support is added with message "Achievements are disabled", is it a joke? Achievements are broken so or so, please fix your game!
@devs: Can you please clarify which bugs with achievements you fixed with current update?
Larkon Studio  [dév.] 1 avr. 2022 à 14h20 
The achievements are disabled once you use console commands or mods. Because of that, your achievements may have been disabled a while ago, The "Achievements are disabled" indicator was only added in the last few versions.

However, we made some changes about that in version (02/04/22). You should update and try the achievements again.
Dernière modification de Larkon Studio; 1 avr. 2022 à 15h15
Larkon Studio a écrit :
The achievements are disabled once you use console commands or mods. Because of that, your achievements may have been disabled a while ago, The "Achievements are disabled" indicator was only added in the last few versions.

However, we made some changes about that in version (02/04/22). You should update and try the achievements again.

Sorry, but i never used any console commands or mods! Your achievements were simply broken, not only 1 but many. So you tell us that all broken achievements are fixed now?
You can now for example clear and destroy bandit camps and it will count, right?
Larkon Studio  [dév.] 2 avr. 2022 à 1h07 
We've made sure that the console commands won't block the achievements as firmly as before. But please let us know if you find any achievement that isn't unlocked in the latest version, Also please note that some achievements have specific requirements or is related to a specific quest.
I think we are talking past each other: I never used any console command or mods and don't want to use them in the future.
I told already that at least 14 achievements were broken as i finished the game, for example "Kill the dark lord".
Did you fix all achievements in the latest patch?
Why i should invest time again to only find out that achievements are still broken?
I believe they remain bugged, as the patch seems to only stop console commands from preventing achievements. So previously bugged achievements, remain bugged. These that you made a post on in February were reported back when they first introduced the achievements. So they have been bugged as long as they've existed, and reported as long.
Buldor a écrit :
I believe they remain bugged, as the patch seems to only stop console commands from preventing achievements. So previously bugged achievements, remain bugged. These that you made a post on in February were reported back when they first introduced the achievements. So they have been bugged as long as they've existed, and reported as long.

Thanks Buldor, too bad devs didn't fix them yet. Hopefully this will be done in the next patch.
@Larkon Studio, there is a simple solution to save your time: If you can't fix them, delete them.
Larkon Studio  [dév.] 3 avr. 2022 à 23h26 
thanks for the info. can you write all the achievements that are not unlocked ? It would also help if you could send us a save
Larkon Studio a écrit :
thanks for the info. can you write all the achievements that are not unlocked ? It would also help if you could send us a save

It is the same ones testers kept reporting for months when you first added them...
Larkon Studio a écrit :
thanks for the info. can you write all the achievements that are not unlocked ? It would also help if you could send us a save

So, lost 2 hours of my life only to tell you that you didn't fix any of the achievements! I tested them, not working 100%!
And these are broken ones, please delete them or fix them!
In the case of Iron maker only rare to find bandit gear is working not the other one metal thing, but all 2 metal stuff should work not only 1 kind, so it's broken, too

Clear Bandit camps
0 / 25

Unwanted Guests
Clear Goblin camps
0 / 15

The Warrior
Clear Northerner camps
0 / 15

The Cleaner
Clear deserted villages
0 / 3

Clear dark camps
0 / 8

Goblin Conqueror
Destroy goblin camps
0 / 20

Law And Order
Destroy bandit camps
0 / 15

Northerner Conqueror
Destroy northerner camps
0 / 8

Destroy dark one outposts
0 / 6

Iron maker
Produce 100 iron
13 / 100

Produce 300 food
0 / 300

Produce 50 research
0 / 50

The Dark Lord
Eliminate the dark lord


World Slayer
Dernière modification de F4/80; 15 avr. 2022 à 1h15
F4/80 a écrit :
Buged over buged over buged game!

Finished the game, which was a pain with all the loading times, floating mountains and stones, dungeons and cave with no exit and found out that there are at least 12 if not 14 broken achievements!

All clear and destroy camps achievements are broken!
Where are 2 weapons: Thorn and Wordslayer?
Collect iron only works with accessories not with iron stuff, all other researcher and farmer not working!
Killing the dark lord not triggering achievement!
And so on and so on.

Please fix your game!
To everyone else: stay away from this game if you are interested in achievements!

Actually I just found the Thorn sword in Arag fortress, once he've been killed go past behind him and follow the path, you'll find a door open and a room where the sword will lie at the foot of the brazier.
Adamsevs a écrit :
Actually I just found the Thorn sword in Arag fortress, once he've been killed go past behind him and follow the path, you'll find a door open and a room where the sword will lie at the foot of the brazier.

Nice, thanks, will check it.
But sadly the game is broken through and through, devs don't react at all, introduce some crap cheat options who nobody needs and so on.
This is one of the games where achievements will never be fixed.
Of course throwing a bad light of all future games of this company or future projects where devs working.
F4/80 a écrit :
Adamsevs a écrit :
Actually I just found the Thorn sword in Arag fortress, once he've been killed go past behind him and follow the path, you'll find a door open and a room where the sword will lie at the foot of the brazier.

Nice, thanks, will check it.
But sadly the game is broken through and through, devs don't react at all, introduce some crap cheat options who nobody needs and so on.
This is one of the games where achievements will never be fixed.
Of course throwing a bad light of all future games of this company or future projects where devs working.

Indeed, which is a shame because the game in itself was unique but was poorly delivered.
At least the story isn't that bad but that's it, everything else is either clunky or underused.
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