Yozait Nov 8, 2023 @ 11:31am
How much do I have to focus in this game?
Hi, I'm a new payer, and first things off I wanted to say I like the concept of this game. I haven't finished the tutorial, but it alone has been a bit fun experimenting with commands and prompts and the sort... for the most part at least.

I partly want to continue and finish the tutorial, but something has been bugging me, and I wanted to confirm before continuing: As the title says, How much do I have to keep focus in this game?

I ask this, because I have a tendency to just space out, or proceed to do other stuff, leaving the game in the background, specially text based games, sometimes even forgetting I have them running. This in fact happened a few times while on the tutorial. When I went back, I noticed that the text had moved up due to some dialogue happening with some players somewhere. While it wasn't as disruptive, I realize that something like that could make it really difficult to keep track of what I'm doing/was doing before I left.

On top of that, after reaching the camp, I had began noticing that every now and then, my character would get tired, and suggest sleeping... which means that if I space out and come back, I might not notice that little bit of text... and even combat, since it's... "Real time-ish"? if it starts when I'm not paying attention, I wouldn't be able to react to it/make my character fight or run.
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Kamiyama Nov 9, 2023 @ 2:38am 
It depends on where you are. You can totally space out in town or most of the outworld. Inside dungeons it will vary depending on the hostility level of the mobs. Mobs with red names will attack you on sight, and mobs with purple names will be docile until you attack them (usually).

Mobs will remember who attacked them before so if you attack a passive mob and don't kill it, it will attack you on sight the next time it sees you. They may even become vengeful and track you through multiple rooms.

Each background besides nomad starts with a healing spell, and a lot of players prefer to have healing spells because they can heal up a lot faster that way. Nomads can only heal using fire building, camping, and herbal medicine. Only some guilds like ranger and beastmaster get herbal medicine and you won't learn it until later. So starting out as a newbie nomad, you would build a fire outside and then camp next to it, and space out while your HP regens.

I've read guides that suggest new players start as a ranger which I suppose could work, but you're going to take a long time healing. However if you plan on being AFK for a long time this could totally work out for you.

Going evil religious and joining tzarrak will get you a mount as early as level 26? I was able to take my tzarrak mount into the newbie mines at level 30. It was really OP. I think tzarrak is a great guild to join for a newbie and you will have an easier time earning XP with a mount and healing spells.

Right now I'm a low level beastmaster and still trying to figure out the beastmaster commands. They can ride mounts and tame a herd of animals so they can sort of form their own parties.
Kamiyama Nov 9, 2023 @ 2:50am 
Make sure you look at the different races carefully because they will drastically change your play style.

For instance if you play nomad you will want lots of strength, dexterity, and constitution. Nomads don't cast spells.

The other backgrounds have magic so they will probably want a little bit of intelligence, or wisdom, or both.

Also pay attention to vision and infravision. You do you, but I would never pick a race with bad eyesight. I tried a Troll before and it was awful. To navigate the outworld efficiently you will want at least average vision, and you will want infravision. Races that don't have infravision just need to buy a ring of infravision which is cheap. 700 gold pieces at the ring shop in Arelium. A newbie can afford that with one or two trips into the newbie mines.

Two places to go as a newbie adventurer is the crystite mines in dortlewall and the newbie mines a short distance west of Arelium. The crystite mines have a special crystite shop that sells crystite weapons, which you can use up until I think level 70? They don't last forever because they are newbie equipment.

The newbie mines have monsters that drop actual real equipment which you can use forever, but the equipment is mostly crud. But you can pick it up and sell it for cash.

At first you will want to get steel armor on every slot to increase your armor protection. You can type "slots" to see your available equipment slots. Also find weapons which are easy for you to use. If you have a sword equipped you can type "heft sword" to see how the sword feels in your hand. If it says it is easy to use, you found a good one. Larger weapons are more difficult to use but larger races like giants can hold a two-handed sword in one hand with ease.

* oh and once you hit level 31 you can't enter the newbie areas anymore. Newbie mines are for levels 1 to 30.
Last edited by Kamiyama; Nov 9, 2023 @ 2:54am
Kamiyama Nov 9, 2023 @ 3:01am 
Also for leveling your first 10 levels are automatic you automatically gain levels in your background and automatically learn the skills and spells (if it has them)

Levels 11 through 15 are your racial levels. You automatically gain these levels but do not automatically learn the skills. You have to go to your race shrine and train the skills there. There is a building in Dortlewall with a portal that will take you straight to the shrine. You can use the portal up until level 15 and once you hit level 16 you would have to visit your race shrine by traveling there on foot.

Starting at level 16 you get free levels and you won't use them automatically. You would have to go to a class guild and then use the "join" command to join the guild. Then you would use "train level" to train the skills needed to level up, and then "advance guild" to turn one of your free levels into a guild level.

"advance level" levels up
"train" shows the skills you can train at a trainer
"train everything to:50" would train all the skills at a trainer to level 50.
"join" to join a class guild
"advance guild" turns a free level into a guild level
"study" shows all the spells you can learn at a trainer

The tzarrak guild has the skills and spells all in one spot, so you can "train" and "study" in the same location.

The templar guild has 2 different skill trainers and a spell trainer, in different rooms.

For the evil guilds you would join disciples of chaos and then you would join one of the 4 evil god guilds at their statues in the temple of chaos. Keep this in mind if you go evil it will save you a lot of running around. Join at the statues and THEN find your class guild!

Some guilds like tzarrak and beastmaster require sacrifices to level up. You bring corpses to tzarrak and you bring tamed animals to the beastmaster trainer.

Other guilds may have other quirks.
Kamiyama Nov 9, 2023 @ 3:06am 
Also see "help rip_action"

At first you will want to "rip_action set dig grave"

Later on you may find discover better rip actions. Tzarrak has a chaosfeed action that feeds corpses to their mount. Good religious guilds have a burial ceremony action. Some races can just straight up eat corpses, like lizardman.

You can turn it on and off in case you need to use a corpse for something.
Yozait Nov 9, 2023 @ 11:53am 
Thank you for this information. I will continue trying the game out, although I feel as soon as I have to start dungeon delving in this game I'm going to need a notebook to keep track of where the hell I'm going xD

As I was looking into classes/guilds this game had when creating my first character, and I was going with a catfolk, civilized background, and bard class. This was due to me having this character concept I wanted to play in a TTRPG game but never got the chance xD. So I went with that since I already had the concept of the character. I still have to pick the bard class of course (still in the tutorial haven't had the chance to make much progress). In the end, would my concept be a good idea?

I had been looking at my spells though, but besides creating food, I didn't see anything that seemed to be a sort of healing spells, but maybe I missed it.
Kamiyama Nov 9, 2023 @ 1:49pm 
There is a batmapper plugin for exploring dungeons.

Place batUtils-1.3-full.jar in this folder and restart client, then issue the command "set client_mapper_toggle on" in-game (w/o quotes).

You still have to explore the dungeons, but the new batmap window should populate with rooms you've explored.
Kamiyama Nov 9, 2023 @ 1:54pm 
As for bard, I'm not sure. I haven't played bard yet. I'm still a bit new myself. I started a character about a year ago and recently got back into batmud.

My first character was a troll civmage, which was awful. I've bounced around to a bunch of different race and class combos since.

I think you can use "recreate" for free during your first few days, so give it a shot and try different things out.
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