Cntarek May 10, 2017 @ 9:16am
I do like how this game looks, but with no reviews and no demo I don't really feel like jumping into another EA game. I'd love to try the game and give it an honest review at its current level of development.
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Brantisky  [developer] May 11, 2017 @ 3:06pm 
Hi Cntarek, thank you for posting! I definitely know what you mean.

A loyal fan posted a review a little while after your post, but Steam is not listing it at the top since the game key was received via a purchase from Itch.io. The old alpha demos are still on IndieDB, but I have done a LOT to the game since then (as can be seen in the change-logs posted in the announcements, especially 0.0.4), so they don't reflect the quality/experience/balance of the game as it is now.

For what it's worth, I welcome anyone to try the game then request a refund if they do not like it or just don't find it fun. I will not be offended at all. Although I hope they tell me what it was they didn't like. ;)

Let me know if there is anything you would like to know about the game that isn't apparent from the description and the trailer. B-12 is intentionally very different from most modern action games, and even games in this genre, so it definitely isn't for everyone. I'm even having a difficult time marketing it, because I'm still not sure I'm expressing my vision with the right words, as far as the game's description. I think playing it might be the only way to really 'get' it.

What I will promise is that in terms of stability and usability, it seems I've put a lot more work into B-12 than most games jumping into EA. Yes, it's a Unity game. But you won't see a Unity launcher window or a Unity splash screen, and the only thing I used from the Asset Store is 'Rewired', an input plugin, so that my players can re-map their controls within the game. (Also you'll find plenty of graphics options etc., as a proper PC game should have.)

Sorry for the rant lol... I'm extremely passionate about this game, and regardless of how many copies I sell, I'm not going anywhere.

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Date Posted: May 10, 2017 @ 9:16am
Posts: 1