King of the World

King of the World

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Mathias  [desarrollador] 26 MAR 2017 a las 19:03
Patch Notes
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Mathias  [desarrollador] 6 NOV 2018 a las 14:28 
Patch 1.5

-Added a winning condition setting in the host game panel
-Fixed a bug that occured in the last patch with unit not dynamically switching targets
-Fixed some problem with units loaded on boats
-Fixed that in windowed mode the "Press enter to chat" didn't show
-Fixed pressing left alt button registered as a right click
-Fixed a rare bug that "No servers found" would show when there was a game
-Fixed some things regarding units when game was over
-Fixed that you couldn't see the selection circle on stairs in Manhattan
-Increased the winning percentage in Europe from 65% to 75%
-Fixed that it wasn't posible to order your units to stand on the bridges in the Middle East map
-Fixed a bug that clicking the Baron portrait in the campaign wouldn't always show the correct health value
-Optimized Chapter 5 for better performance
-Size of text in the lobby will now autoscale to fit resolution
-Added scrolling to the chats
Mathias  [desarrollador] 27 NOV 2018 a las 20:42 
Patch 1.6

-Added Tech trees for each army!
-Added the option to play with tech trees
-Added High Elf Army
-Added Wood Elf Army
-Reworked the army selection a bit
-Reworked the UI of hosting custom games
-Worked on a bug that made custom games with teams stuck on loading screen
-Changed catapult formation size
-Fixed players not being able to see the ready button of other players at times
-Adjusted some minor things regarding unit animations
-Made the attack distance larger based on size of the unit it's attacking
-Fixed that in windowed mode max resolution the press enter to chat text didn't show in game
Mathias  [desarrollador] 6 DIC 2018 a las 3:00 
Patch 1.7

-Added Christmas theme to the menu
-Raised the lifesteal percentage for Bloodlust
-Increased the HP from Improved Armour
-Increased Damage from Forged Weapons
-Increased the Damage and HP from Breed for War
-Fixed that Professional army wouldn't spawn units matching the skin
-Fixed a crash happening when ending Chapter 6
-Fixed High Elves not unlocking properly
-Fixed Wood Elves not unlocking properly
-Fixed the tech icon not showing in the Middle East map
-Fixed a bug that if you switched the tower controller when building a unit you would get it for free
-Fixed a bug that in matchmaking sometimes units wouldn't show properly
-Fixed so you can't change army or team after pressing ready
-Fixed a bug that games could cancel if someone left it
Mathias  [desarrollador] 12 FEB 2019 a las 3:15 
Patch 1.8 - Fires of the East update

-Added In-game map editor
-Added new multiplayer map Japan
-Added new army "Imperial Japan"
-Remade the Victory and Defeat messages
-Remade the queue for Matchmaking
-Fixed the DLC border
-Reduced memory usage
-Fixed modern cavalry attack animation speed
-A ton of smaller changes and fixes
Mathias  [desarrollador] 15 FEB 2019 a las 2:19 
Patch 1.9

-Made Transition from Introvideo to lobby smoother
-Fixed a bug that for some players entering the matchmaking would crash the game
-Fixed a bug that sometimes lobbies would close by themselves with players in them
-Fixed sometimes games would close if a player left
-Lobbies will now show the correct playercount
-Fixed if the host leaves another player wouldn't become host
-Fixed a bug where gold wouldn't be refunded correctly
-Defeat music will now play properly when the Baron/Duke/King dies
-Kick button in lobbies will now dissapear when everyone is ready
-Ranks will now update properly
-Water now works correctly for the map editor
-Added a new snow ground texture for the map editor
-Bridges should now be walkable for maps made in the map editor
-Adjusted the position of the music player to support different resolutions
-Fixed a bug that unit portraits would keep showing when you changed a tower controller
Última edición por Mathias; 15 FEB 2019 a las 2:19
Mathias  [desarrollador] 19 FEB 2019 a las 0:47 
Patch 1.95

-Fixed getting professional army tech wouldn't spawn units in newly conquered regions
-Campaign maps should now start more smoothly
-Fixed that it was posible to hear game sounds in the loading screen
-Right clicking a tech will no longer play the click sound
-Fixed that game would freeze for a couple of seconds when changing armies in a custom game lobby
-Fixed that units could attack allies in chapter 5
-Fixed some errors that could happen for select people with their campaign savegames (values would be wrong for some weird reason)
-It is now posible to select multiple banners at once
Mathias  [desarrollador] 7 MAR 2019 a las 3:07 
Patch 2.0

-Implemented a new account levelling system
-Reworked selection circles and healthbars
-Added projectiles for the Modern and Sci-fi armies
-Redid tank destruction
-Multiple towers selected will now show in the main panel
-Added a portrait for banners
-Added snow option to the map editor
-Reworked Grand Emperor loading frame
-Reworked Royal Guard Loading portraits
-Reworked Post game screen
-Optimized performance
-Added post processing options for the map editor
-Regions owned and income text will now update instantly
-Towers will now be selected when dragging the select tool if no units are nearby
-Reworked the DG rewards to be more dynamic
-Added a border to Japan
-Fixed a bug that boats could be tower controllers
-Campaign will now show post game screen and grant account XP
-Changed buttons in the campaign dialogues
-Changed UI backgrounds in the menu
-Fixed that units on boats in Japan wouldn't die when the boats sunk
-Added on-hit sounds for various units
-Fixed that it wasn't posible to cross a bridge in chapter 5
-Removed a couple of obsolete regions in chapter 5
-Playercount should now update properly in the custom game list

Hotfix 12-03-2012

-Fixed banners suddenly missing a texture in some campaign cutscenes
-Fixed some minor problem with boat animations
-Portraits should now be shown correctly for all towers and banners
-Fixed a critical bug between players and the server that sometimes it wouldn't load networked units properly
Última edición por Mathias; 12 MAR 2019 a las 14:42
Zonticore  [desarrollador] 20 MAR 2019 a las 17:18 
Patch 2.1

-Added a referral system
-Adjusted the lighting of custom maps and the map editor
-Sometimes clicking sounds wouldn't play when you pressed buttons in the lobby
-Fixed a bug where the countdown panel would show when you started a Queued Match
-Added a queue for starting matches to avoid games interfering with each other when they start
-Added japan to the queue map pool
-Fixed a bug where banners in the tutorial wouldn't show their colors
-Fixed a bug where units wouldn't play the death animation if it was started off screen
-Fixed a bug where Act1Chapter1 Duke William could leave his castle
-Fixed a bug where boats would not select and un-select with shift properly
-Fixed a bug where when units pushed into each other they would switch animations and jitter
Mathias  [desarrollador] 3 ABR 2019 a las 22:32 
Patch 2.2

-Made it possible to right click move units on the minimap and use the attack move ability on the minimap
-Fixed cutscenes and the waterfall in chapter one not setting to the players sfx volume
-Boats were sometimes causing an error when loading a unit
-Got rid of the discord button text and moved the button into the menu panel
-Decreased medic heal amount by 10
-Decreased medic health by 50
-Increased medic heal refresh rate by 0.5 second
-Fixed a bug where sometimes boats wouldn’t unload units
-Lowered the time it takes to start a match by 15 seconds
Mathias  [desarrollador] 10 MAY 2019 a las 16:54 
Patch 2.3

-Completely reworked the tech tree
-Fixed menu armies’ weapons rotation
-Increased tanks base hp and dmg by 400 and 20 respectively
-Decreased hp and dmg of heavy infantry to 720 and 35
-Made some smaller changes to the level portraits borders
-Fixed the Royal Guard trucks scaling
-Increased mortars damage from 20 to 25
-Increased archers damage from 14 to 20
-Reaching rank 1 didn’t unlock the Grand emporer border automatically
-Make the leaderboard show in pages
-Fixed mortars in the tutorial would start in a t-pose
-Reduced the time it takes to connect to a match by 20 seconds
-Added a select all banners button
-Added timestamps to chat
-Added a servertime in the global chat
Mathias  [desarrollador] 5 JUN 2020 a las 15:48 
Patch 2.4

New units:
Sniper unit
Has a longer range than the mortar but a slower attack speed

Officer unit
Has three buffs for nearby allies that it can active one at a time

Enforcer unit
Replaces the heavy droid with two melee units

Fanatic unit
Has low damage and explodes upon death

Mage unit
Has higher damage than the archer but less range

Paladin unit
Has a random chance of blocking a small amount of damage

-Completely reworked the Networking
-Added new map Ireland
-Replaced heavy infantry promotions with an activatable aoe buff -
-Buffed tanks HP to 5500
-Added selectable alternate units to each army
-Increased Performance
-Added the stats of units to the army selection
-Added shadows to the menu
-Minor UI changes in menu and in-game
-Engine update
-Added a togglable ping display
-Tons of minor improvements
-Added a max population
-Made boats loading and unloading more consistent
-Reworked all the WW2 army skins
Mathias  [desarrollador] 11 JUN 2020 a las 14:39 
Hotfix 11-06-2020

-Fixed a bug that towers in Japan couldn't be multi targetted by double clicking
-Snipers no longer gain the tech perks of infantry
-Fixed a server crash that was caused by too many different skins playing at once
-Fixed a bug where you couldn't load any recent campaign saves
-Fixed an edge case where if you had a specific string of characters in your steam name anyone you play with would have their save file corrupted
-Fixed that sniper attack animations would only play 2 times when attacking a new target
-Fixed a few tank animations
-Fixed some units never stopping the run animation when spawned from a banner
-Fixed a bug where the server would soft crash if a player built a medieval skeleton skin paladin
-Fixed the video settings saving and loading between play sessions
-Fixed a bug where you would have the same max population in the campaign as your last match
Mathias  [desarrollador] 7 JUL 2020 a las 14:39 
Patch 2.5

-Fixed soviet medic animations (No more moonwalking)
-Fixed resolution settings not saving unless in fullscreen
-Fixed techs showing as researched by the wrong player on clients
-Fixed some techs not working on units built after the tech is researched
-Added ireland to the matchmaking pool
-The victory and defeat music will now be playing again
-Units no longer play the on move sound while already moving
-Did some minor menu UI changes
-Scholars in the campaign now play the heal animation more than once
-Extended the buff buttons’ graphic duration
-Reduced the HP of fanatics from 2200 to 1750
-Rooms now have optional passwords
-The max population now increases when a bot is eliminated
Mathias  [desarrollador] 5 AGO 2020 a las 15:26 
Patch 2.6

-Remade the tutorial
-Fixed the US Mortar animations
-Fixed Heavy Orcs weird attack animation glitching
-Fixed US tanks animations
-Fixed the range of the medieval archers tech (it was wrongly set to increase by 5 instead of 2 per level)
-Fixed a bug where the splash damage tech would stop working if you researched techs after it.
-Fixed a bug where you couldn't join a custom game after leaving a campaign match
-Queued matches no longer break if the first player to join the queue closed their game as it was starting
-Added a message to the in game chat when a player gets eliminated
-Added a select border for the selected skin
-Self destruct tech can now be researched correctly
-Added a message that techs need to be dragged out after unocking them
Mathias  [desarrollador] 19 OCT 2020 a las 16:00 
Patch 2.7 (Halloween)

-Added new halloween map "Transylvania"
-In-game unit portraits are now animated
-Profile tab in the menu has been overhauled
-Fixed Tutorial achievement not always unlocking properly
-Fixed that everyone got the eliminated message when a bot was eliminated
-Medics no longer heal boats and tanks by default
-Added the tech Field Repairs (allows medics to repair tanks and boats.)
-Added a tech tree level requirement text
-If a unit is moving when you start entrenching they will now stop
-Redid particles for the 25g mages
-Firepoint of British Sniper has been adjusted
-Added a few more details to the menu chat
-Fixed that afk'ing for too long in the chapter 2 intro cutscene could make the start button dissapear
-Gave the profile tab an exp bar
-Minor UI improvement to the menu settings
-Chat will now clear when you join a new lobby
-Fixed the main menu panel showing if you hosted a room within 30 seconds of hosting another
-The Chat no longer opens when the game is paused
-Pausing now closes the chat
-Fixed a bug that sometimes disconnected from server message instead of defeat
-Improved the logic for when bots will defend their controlled regions
-Fixed the animated portrait of the Baron in the campaign would stop working if you loaded a save
-Bounty hunters will now no longer spawn if there are bounty hunters already under the banner
-Improved a bit the camera movement
-Added a text value field for Music/sfx sliders in the ingame and lobby options
-Units built should now no longer be able to stack on each other if there was no waypoint set
-Veterancy now additionally grant 20 hp and 2 dmg for each kill that unit gets
-Fixed the in game tech tree tooltip ui didn't fit on any other resolutions than 1920x1080
-Fixed a bug where the bounty hunter kill reward would be multiplied if you had multiple bounty hunters attack at once
-Fixed the tutorial ui didn't fit on any other resolutions than 1920x1080
-Removed the LOD levels on the tutorial's sunken castle
-Bots will now unload units from boats more effenciently
-Fixed the wood elf bolt thrower mesh
-Fixed the Japanese tank's animations
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