House Flipper

House Flipper

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Brids17 Jul 15, 2022 @ 6:54am
Pets DLC question
I've been thinking about buying this DLC for a while now but I'm really only interested in the new houses to play with and less so with the pets. Aside from the missions to unlock the houses for regular purchase, how much do you need to involve the pets? Can you largely ignore them and still sell the houses at a profit or does the game force you to involve them?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
eggzntaters Jul 15, 2022 @ 6:59am 
You can just ignore the pets part unless you like to get all the Steam acheivements.
tatiana Jul 15, 2022 @ 8:23am 
The first of missions to unlock new houses gives you an option to adopt a pet, but you can decline. The others require you to place pet items, but you don't interact with any pets.

As said above, other than that, pets are for achievements only. The pet adoption centre is a separate section in the in-game computer, which you can ignore. There are no new buyers for the browser houses, so nobody asks for any pet items.

The 11 houses added by the DLC are Huge, ranging in size between 140 and 585 square meters! I'm not sure if the train car is for the base game or the Pets DLC, but it's interesting :)

The new furniture and decorating options are lovely, with many new wood finishes. They come in a good range of styles and prices, including cheap stuff. I use the Pets DLC content all the time, and I haven't adopted a single pet yet. :)
Last edited by tatiana; Jul 15, 2022 @ 8:26am
Brids17 Jul 15, 2022 @ 10:04am 
Awesome, thanks for the in depth reply. I'll grab it today. =D
Nite69 Jul 15, 2022 @ 10:10am 
You can get a pet on the new train car house as well
tatiana Jul 15, 2022 @ 10:49am 
Originally posted by Nite69:
You can get a pet on the new train car house as well
I think you can get a pet in Any house, as long as you own the DLC. The train car is so small though, that I doubt you can fit Any pet in there :)
Rumpelcrutchskin Jul 15, 2022 @ 3:48pm 
It has some really nice houses and new building mechanics so well worth it even if you don`t care about pets at all.
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Date Posted: Jul 15, 2022 @ 6:54am
Posts: 6