Fight of Gods

Fight of Gods

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Couple of QOL suggestions for training mode
I think a few things that should be added to the training mode to make life easier for everyone.

1. Make reseting not replay the intros over again
This one is pretty self explanatory. No one wants to keep having to skip the intros if they want to reset in the training mode for whatever reason. On top of that, remove the warning dialogue as well for it to move faster. Even better would be adding a dedicated button for a quick restart of training mode.

2. Add an "Block after hit" mode
"All block" and "No block" being the only options are frustrating. Having the dummy block after the first hit is standard in all modern fighting games and allows an easier way to visual confirm whether the combo connected or not rather than having to use the combo count. Which leads me to my next suggestion

3. Keep the combo data on screen after the combo ends
As of right now the combo data disappears quickly after you finish your combo, making it quite difficult to see how much damage you've actually done. Keeping it on screen perpetually is a much better choice since you wouldnt need to rush to see how much damage it did.

This game is promising and I would love to see a bit more polish, especially in the training room.