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trash game
Completely unbalanced. It's laughable they say there is an "intended" difficulty. And then also give you sliders. So they know they made their game poorly as to give players a crutch to get through it. S ranks are clearly untested. Too many are pure luck on the enemy AI letting you win. Like Halycon Days. Can't win if Emeric retreats for no reason.

Air Force and Navy are completely broken. The enemy gets WAAAAY too much gold and are building golems and dragons by Turn 2. It's absolutely absurd and so mindbogglingly bad I cannot believe it was ever released in this state. It's carried on the cartoon aesthetic and they never learned what Advanced Wars did to make it work, namely, balance the ♥♥♥♥. Bombers weren't the end-all be-all that dragons are. Naval maps are a huge atrocious mess because the enemy gets so many ports and tons of gold they can, and do, rush you with overwhelming force that you can't possibly compete with. I S ranked everything up to Act 6's Salty Sea Dog. Almost none of the game was fun because of the issues with movement, range, cost, damage, turn limits. Arcade mode was okay enough as long as you don't get a map that screws you with the aforementioned aspects. Puzzles naturally were cool except far too many are completely dependent killing one obscure enemy that lets you move one extra space.

Maybe I have Advanced Wars nostalgia because I played it years ago and can't remember a thing. But I sure don't ever remember being angry at it and I do know I S-ranked them all twice. No excuse for this game being this bad.
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Have you tried playing online?
No. Fiddled with it to see how to access the free campaign and only saw like 3 other people doing stuff. I assumed that this game was dead online already. I'm late so I don't hold that against it.
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