Darksiders III

Darksiders III

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THQ Nordic  [sviluppatore] 5 lug 2018, ore 8:14
Join the Darksiders Legion: THQ Nordic unveils community project
Vienna, Austria, July 5h, 2018: The new community hub for everyone who loves the Darksiders franchise opens it's gates. With "The Legion" THQ Nordic wants to honour all of the enthusiastic fans that made Darksiders great.

The new hub shall be a Sanctuary of creativity, where the fans will share art, cosplay, tutorials or let's plays of the game. Nine fine cosplayers from all over the world will lead the legion from convention to convention, starting at gamescom 2018 to show the creatures of heaven and hell in all their glory.

Visit https://darksiders.com/the-legion/

Darksiders® III is currently in development for PC, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Xbox® One, and is slated for release in 2018.

For more information check: http://darksiders.com


Your THQ Nordic Team
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Nice Initiative !
THQ, I think you should consider bigger discount for those that already own darksiders 2 and 1 until the game release

maybe 10 percent if only own 1 either darksiders 1 or 2, and 30 percent if own darksiders 1 and 2 for the base game version
Ultima modifica da zuppaclub; 10 lug 2018, ore 17:22
Can you please stop the dlc crap?^^ greets from bavaria. I bought the deluxe edition, but i really hate all dlc stuff from games (that was the reasen, that i didnt play 1 game anymore).I want to have 1 complete game.
I love the darksiders series but before you release DS3 do ya think you can release a patch fixing DS2. Atleast add a FOV ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Я знаю какое продолжение должно быть в финале. Аля - World of Warcraft . Выпустить на волю нефелимов, дав возможность игрокам играть за них. 1% от прибили мне за идею ;)
Parabens pelo lançamento e respeito aos fans da franquia!
Great game . I'm lookingn forward to the DLC hope to see you bring back Rampage somehow
Darksiders 3 после патча начал лагать очень сильно и наверно не только у меня. Исправьте пожалуйста эту проблему. Просто как-то не очень приятно, купил игру, а играть не можешь, но компьютер поддерживает игру.

Извините если что-то написал неправильно, надеюсь что вы поймёте.)

Darksiders 3 after the patch began to lag very much and probably not only me. Please correct this problem. Just somehow not very nice, I bought the game, but you can't play, but the computer supports the game.

( Sorry if I wrote something wrong, I hope that you will understand. )


5760X 1080 Triple monitor resolution is bad
1920x1080 Runs in a screen in windows mode , 5760x 1080 setting
- I7 4690
- 32gb-ram
- 1070-gamming X 8gb video
- Win 10 X64
did you saw what can happen if you call the game not a Darksiders 4, but Remnant: From the Ashes. With almost same apocalyptic world, Strife shooting mechanic and co-op with 3more horsemans, ups i mean hunters. But you know online players (in steam) on release in Remnant was 40k on start:logiimpact: while in Darksiders 3 was 4k. Yeah its 10times more, i can't believe, but this is what people really want - another brainless shooter :cfacepalm: but its ok, im glad you tested mechanics and co-op in Remnant first before creating Darksiders 4, too bad i don't like shooters and if Strife will not have some good secondary weapon will not play 4part, but maybe 5 with ability switching horsemans and end-story.
Ultima modifica da nicki; 6 set 2019, ore 17:08
Add DLSS. Just do it!.

with three monitors (sorround 5680 x 1080), games are sad with today's tech!

/ Darksiders :(
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