The Hand of Merlin

The Hand of Merlin

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Is there politically correct propaganda in this game?
Like are you forced to play with infinity black people in a medieval fantasy game based on Europe like in pillars 2? Or Phoenix down and xxxcom. Are there themes like Muslims=good, Christians=bad and white colonialism should make you feel guilty? I just find that stuff ruins the immersion and makes a game unplayable for me. Not looking to debate just curious before I decide to buy. Thank you.
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Moffle Jun 14, 2022 @ 7:53pm 
Yes, everyone in the game is a homosexual black Muslim woman. Your fragile emotions would be shattered from merely installing it. Run while you still can!
Yeah, that sounds pretty gross. Thank you for answering my question.
Brannigan's Law Jun 14, 2022 @ 11:40pm 
Shame, I was really looking forward to playing this game
MarkoP  [developer] Jun 15, 2022 @ 12:09am 
There's no such thing in this game. The world is very gray in terms of good and evil, and even the guys you play with are complex characters that did bad things, but are trying to now do good (including merlin him self!). There's no political crap here, just trying to get people to do good things after their questionable past and in the face of a common enemy.
Caeneth Jun 15, 2022 @ 12:05pm 
LOL its sad and funny all at the same time we have to worry about this. I started really laughing when I saw the 2 comments below Ratley's comment. Thanks I needed that
Sevens Jun 15, 2022 @ 12:56pm 
Originally posted by Ratley:
Yes, everyone in the game is a homosexual black Muslim woman. Your fragile emotions would be shattered from merely installing it. Run while you still can!

I get why the OP asked this question. I'm tired of seeing this stuff crammed into gaming content. Some games are starting to feel as contrived as those old television after school specials. I just don't understand why characters are celebrated for where they place their genitalia, or why they are revered just because of the color of their skin.
My favorite character is the black, lesbian, Jewish, Muslim, non-binary person in a wheelchair that murders the people who feel like any representation of any minority is "political crap." Because as everyone knows, absolutely everything must be catered to the majority at all times. Anything else is just total persecution and discrimination against straight, Christian white people
Taear Jun 15, 2022 @ 2:50pm 
I liked the responses here until I read what the dev posted.
Everything is political, that's a ridiculous thing to say.
reverendphil Jun 15, 2022 @ 3:43pm 
Originally posted by Unacceptable Condition:
My favorite character is the black, lesbian, Jewish, Muslim, non-binary person in a wheelchair that murders the people who feel like any representation of any minority is "political crap." Because as everyone knows, absolutely everything must be catered to the majority at all times. Anything else is just total persecution and discrimination against straight, Christian white people

For what it's worth though, the game deals with the mythology around white christian men who went around killing and taking land from everyone who was different. Seriously though I'm so tired of people posting threads like this in games. Just.. watch a trailer, and buy it or don't. Stop being a snowflake.
MarkoP  [developer] Jun 15, 2022 @ 7:13pm 
Originally posted by Taear:
I liked the responses here until I read what the dev posted.
Everything is political, that's a ridiculous thing to say.
Sure, politics in the middle ages were a thing, which is mostly the level of politics this game cares about.
Solid response from the dev. This game looks good. I lold at all the hateful comments. I don't care much for that kind of pathetic emotion over honest questions. I will buy this game now and play free from all the hate. Thanks, MarkoP.
nicole spann Jun 16, 2022 @ 1:24pm 
Originally posted by MarkoP:
Originally posted by Taear:
I liked the responses here until I read what the dev posted.
Everything is political, that's a ridiculous thing to say.
Sure, politics in the middle ages were a thing, which is mostly the level of politics this game cares about.
This is a pretty weak response to a clearly racist/xenophobic a**hole.

Y'all really want to be diplomatic in dealing with that crowd?

The creator of Gloomhaven was confronted with a similar question, and he basically said "nah this game isn't for you. and good riddance" -- I thought that was awesome
MarkoP  [developer] Jun 16, 2022 @ 3:06pm 
I usually rather err on the side of being nice to people than being an a-hole, because the latter has a tendency to perpetuate the bad behaviour.
But since the OP got his question answered, and the topic seems to invite some questionable comments, let's close this down.
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