Supreme Ruler The Great War

Supreme Ruler The Great War

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Diamonjohn 8 września 2017 o 3:47
*Bug* Countries automaticaly falls, population dissapears, production stops
Supreme Ruler the Great War

1) More than 1/2 of whole world population dissapears instantly
2) Production of agriculture, oil, timber,.... (All natural resources dissapears from map so production stops as well (All around the world). Its no longer playable because of no natural resources beying able to be found on map
3) Minor countries dissapears (Guetama becomes anexed by Spain, Honkong by China and so on...
4) This happens instantly after date: 1945, 31 of July

Playing as Russian Empire
Year 1945, 31 of July
Number of coundtries conquered: most of europe (After Great War) and China.
Population: 1,200,000 before event / 550,000 after event (31 July 1945)
Economy siuation: before event sustainable economy and prosperous situation, after event whole economy is unbalanced with no production of raw resources (for other countries impossible because of AL)

Does anyone know what could have cosed it?
Any help would be appriciated :)
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Diamonjohn; 8 września 2017 o 4:10
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Chris-BattleGoat  [producent] 8 września 2017 o 8:14 
Do you have a savegame from before the collapse? If you do, please zip it and email it with ticket 21655 in the subject line.
Diamonjohn 8 września 2017 o 11:50 
Thank you :).
I have just send it.
Chris-BattleGoat  [producent] 3 października 2017 o 13:10 
Sorry for not replying to this before, I was just reviewing tasks and realized I never received your savegame. Could you resend?
Diamonjohn 16 października 2017 o 5:59 
I started again and its no longer issue. I sended you save files but received mail back that it was not delivered. I dont have much time on my hands now because of study and work so sorry for late reply.
Chris-BattleGoat  [producent] 17 października 2017 o 15:08 
No worries. If you'd still like to send the savefile, use something like WinZip to compress it first.

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