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Simon_Meek  [developer] Mar 28, 2018 @ 5:13am
The Words in Your Head
Beckett questions what it is to exist.

It is a dark exploration of the space in our heads.

It is a disturbing journey through the unknown in search of meaning.

Beckett is an enquiry and a conversation. So let's start one.
Last edited by Simon_Meek; Mar 28, 2018 @ 5:15am
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
This is one of, if not, the best games i ever played, and its one of the best works of art i've seen in a lot of time, im not an expert in art critique but i read quite a lot and seen tons of movies, and consumed every type of art that exists. In terms of what videogames should be in the future, conceived not just as mere entertaiment, this is really important. The level of aesthetic, and how you deal to narrate the story throug this abstract, minimalist and nihilist envirovement is just glorious. Thank you for making this.

There are some books, movies, music, etc, that youve used as inspiration for this?
Simon_Meek  [developer] Aug 15, 2018 @ 6:22am 
Thank you! We're thrilled that you enjoyed Beckett this much and your comments are warmly received.

In terms of some of the inspiration for Beckett, do check out the films of Jan Svankmajer (esp Faust and Alice), the dramatic works of Samuel Beckett (esp Molloy and Krapps Last Tape) and JG Ballard (The Atrocity Exhibition), and the artists in both the Vorticism and Dada movements.... you'll find some nice jump off points here.

Happy to start listing more - but it could go on! You might want to check out a particularly good article in 3AM magazine which sites quite a few touch points worth checking out:

brimannell Nov 1, 2018 @ 11:14am 
I like how you present the struggle of meaning, through an environment that is painted by the lens of the main character's state of mind. The old of the Borough make way for the new in construction. The people, along with Borough, are like ghosts just wandering the city without any real direction, feeling oppressed by their own versions of reality without any escape from them. They are helpless. Like being stuck in that pit Beckett was standing over, or the butterfly unable to escape the glue from the living painting (if they didn't get their wings cut off to begin with).

I believe that we find meaning, through meaninglessness. Our purpose of living is to constantly be in a state of anxiety, where our desire to continue to want more from ourselves (more living, more tasks, more social encounters, etc), that our lives can never be fulfilled. Being finite is funny that way.

The struggle for meaning and purpose is what it means to be human. We may never live a life fulfilled, and that's okay. Beckett, despite the meaninglessness he feels about his life, and despite being told he is no longer needed, he found purpose to finding Peregrine (sorry if I butchered the spelling), and no matter what happens, he lived his life while finding purpose and meaning like everyone else.

By the way, where can I get the soundtrack to this? The atmosphere it brought was incredible. Reminded me a bit of Nine Inch Nails, or Silent Hill.
Last edited by brimannell; Nov 1, 2018 @ 11:15am
Simon_Meek  [developer] Nov 5, 2018 @ 6:14am 
Thank's brimannell - you've really captured some of the themes and concepts in Beckett well in your words :) The soundtrack was written as loops, so I've not officially released it. There is a limited run vinyl with the piano tracks on, however, and I can post a few more of the electro-styled loops up on Soundcloud if that's of interest.
brimannell Dec 21, 2018 @ 8:59pm 
Didn't know they were loops, but I suppose I have an interest in checking them out. If anything, I'm curious. I loved the sort of industrial, gritty feel of the music/loops, so I'd like to check them out on their own when you get a chance, if you post them on Soundcloud. Just provide the link though, if so.
BROLY5783 Oct 15, 2019 @ 1:12pm 
Please, spanish subtitles and trading cards in game. :A_elleria:
Caesar Jan 4, 2021 @ 3:36pm 
I liked every second I spent on this game though I'm not good at decoding a meaning out of the ending. Was Beckett nothing more but an idea inside Peregrine's head? I don't know. I checked the achievements and the say: BECKETT DOESNT EXIST It was mentioned many times in the game but I thought it was figurative, I don't know.
I appreciate a work where every single character in it is unlikable yet they still feel real and perfectly fit the situations they're put in.
I'll always look forward for what The Secret Experiment have for the future as The 39 Steps is one of my favorite games.
Last edited by Caesar; Jan 4, 2021 @ 4:28pm
Simon_Meek  [developer] Jan 22, 2021 @ 9:09am 
Originally posted by Caesar:
I liked every second I spent on this game though I'm not good at decoding a meaning out of the ending. Was Beckett nothing more but an idea inside Peregrine's head? I don't know. I checked the achievements and the say: BECKETT DOESNT EXIST It was mentioned many times in the game but I thought it was figurative, I don't know.
I appreciate a work where every single character in it is unlikable yet they still feel real and perfectly fit the situations they're put in.
I'll always look forward for what The Secret Experiment have for the future as The 39 Steps is one of my favorite games.

Thank you Caesar, as the writer what you have inferred was indeed the intention - however, the ambiguity is also vital, as hopefully most of the visual associations and thoughts are now yours more than anyone else's. Obviously, even Peregrine is fiction - so who's brain really put this whole thing together? There's no right or wrong answer.

Thanks for the kind works - watch this space!
zaphodikus Feb 9, 2022 @ 12:19pm 
The game makes you ask what am I experiencing? Who is right, who is wrong, but mostly am I even really reasoning about anything at all, perfectly properly. Keep thinking I will get a bad case of the horrors, but aside from being hyper aware for a while I had to go and look up what inspired this all, glad I did not know about the author when I started because I was unprepared. and that made the "puzzle" if you like even sweeter.

Hope to hear about another in the pipeline.
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