Wargame: European Escalation

Wargame: European Escalation

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World War 1 mod or World War 2 mod anyideas?
I would like to see a D-day map or a ww1 map.
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Εμφάνιση 1-12 από 12 σχόλια
D-Day wouldn't really be that great as this is more about tanks and tanks weren't all that largely popular during that battle, at least at first. I think the best thing in the world would be a North African campaign. North Africa was one of the greatest and most important campaigns of World War 2 and it is never really showcased in very many games. Men of War may be one of the best but I think Wargame would do a much better job at it. Obviously North Africa is perfect tank fighting country. A German vs. Russian campaign would be the next best thing in my eyes for a World War 2 mod but airplanes were a huge factor in both of those campaigns so why not just play RUSE? I think some air strikes would be good enough to cover that part.

World War 1 on the other hand is such a hard thing to do, and that's why no one's really done anything too great with it. It wasn't filled with the maneuvers as World War 2 so I'm not sure it could be done but I am waiting for someone to finally frikin' do a good job at it. Toy Soldiers of consoles was about the best thing I've played. Not a bad little arcade game.

I think instead of a RUSE type multiplayer they should have gone with an MMO style or something like End War where you choose a side and play battles that are interconnected in a huge RPG style war where hundreds of players struggle to conquer the world in World War 3. End War did a pretty good job at this endless World War 3 game, it just needs a way to end somehow kind of like an online Dynasty mode that the sports games have, so it'd be a massive World War 3 fighting over countries and boundaries and strong points and would have a definitive winner. This could be achieved by setting up "leagues" of some sort to produce a winning side. I know that I could be completely idiotic and this may already be going on with Wargame but I haven't really dove much into the multiplayer as I'm still playing the campaign and learning.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από yogi; 4 Ιαν 2013, 11:24
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από YogiActual333:
D-Day wouldn't really be that great as this is more about tanks and tanks weren't all that largely popular during that battle, at least at first. I think the best thing in the world would be a North African campaign. North Africa was one of the greatest and most important campaigns of World War 2 and it is never really showcased in very many games. Men of War may be one of the best but I think Wargame would do a much better job at it. Obviously North Africa is perfect tank fighting country. A German vs. Russian campaign would be the next best thing in my eyes for a World War 2 mod but airplanes were a huge factor in both of those campaigns so why not just play RUSE? I think some air strikes would be good enough to cover that part.

World War 1 on the other hand is such a hard thing to do, and that's why no one's really done anything too great with it. It wasn't filled with the maneuvers as World War 2 so I'm not sure it could be done but I am waiting for someone to finally frikin' do a good job at it. Toy Soldiers of consoles was about the best thing I've played. Not a bad little arcade game.

I think instead of a RUSE type multiplayer they should have gone with an MMO style or something like End War where you choose a side and play battles that are interconnected in a huge RPG style war where hundreds of players struggle to conquer the world in World War 3. End War did a pretty good job at this endless World War 3 game, it just needs a way to end somehow kind of like an online Dynasty mode that the sports games have, so it'd be a massive World War 3 fighting over countries and boundaries and strong points and would have a definitive winner. This could be achieved by setting up "leagues" of some sort to produce a winning side.

Modders could make a mod where its all lowered to ww1 tech and it has lots of infantry + arty + mg = a big ww1 battle with the dead of 100 and 1000 of soldiers etc.

also ww 2 would be same but with better tanks and guns such as smg etc.
Most importantly, there are no mod tools. There was much talk about it early on, but now hope is lost.

I will be disappointed if ALB does not get mod tools. Please, no more free DLCs to look good while avoiding the subject of mod tools.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Chris:
Most importantly, there are no mod tools. There was much talk about it early on, but now hope is lost.

I will be disappointed if ALB does not get mod tools. Please, no more free DLCs to look good while avoiding the subject of mod tools.

I'd even be happy with a way for players to create scenarios. This wouldn't be too hard, it could use existing maps and units even.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Boomer99:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Chris:
Most importantly, there are no mod tools. There was much talk about it early on, but now hope is lost.

I will be disappointed if ALB does not get mod tools. Please, no more free DLCs to look good while avoiding the subject of mod tools.

I'd even be happy with a way for players to create scenarios. This wouldn't be too hard, it could use existing maps and units even.

I guess I would be happy with a map editor.
This game engine now is made for open ground tank battle. Infantry simulation have to be redesigned to deal with other kinds of war.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από YogiActual333:
I think the best thing in the world would be a North African campaign. North Africa was one of the greatest and most important campaigns of World War 2
Orly? One of most inportant? Don't make me laugh, please... Russians achieved the Victory, not British in that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ desert, North Africa...
I was thinking along the same lines as Boomer99. I'd love to be able to re-create scenarios written by myself and others for boardgames specific to this genre. The more "historical" scenarios were very different from W:EE. Sides were rarely balanced. Players didn't get the ability to choose and/or reinforce from a pool consisting of ALL the various kinds of units. Victory conditions were more clearly defined and varied from one scenario to another. Also, many of them dealt with platoon to company level engagements, not the battalion+ level for W:EE multiplayer. They were mostly based on the kind of engagements and forces that would be available and expected according to NATO (and some Pact) TO+E's and other military manuals and studies.

I was already figuring that you could lower the point levels to reduce engagement sizes to something a bit closer to what was actually expected to happen. (This could also help new players learn to micromanage, que orders and see how combats really work as a byproduct)
I have no idea how you could overlay different victory conditions w/o mutual agreement by players beforehand. I also think that, at present, the only way to trim down force selections would be by constructing a special kind of "small engagement" deck that would be specific to only one or 2 national forces per side. (Could also create a new kind of competition to see who's best with certain national force mixes?) Limiting or changing the total game time, combined with different victory conditions, would simulate those kind of circumstances and scenarios better as well IMO. I'm just wondering how many of the current players would want to try something like this.

I'm not sure we'll see mod tools. Eugen has been very protective of their product in some ways and may not want to reveal certain aspects of the actual code. Look at the security they originally started with lol, if the rumors are true. Someone more familiar with modding would be best suited to address that possibility. Although I agree with the OP about WWI never having been done "well", the nature of that conflict is one of the reasons. In many ways it was very static as someone else pointed out. There's not much of a draw for 'mainstream' gamers to get into something like that fromwhat I can see. I'd like to try something like that though.
There is a WWII mod it's called RUSE.

Other than that I think WWII is a bit overdone, Eugen's already made a WWII game and I think a good place to expand would be not-Europe. What I mean by that is that some of the most heated Cold War moments weren't in Europe, everyone at the beginning of the Cold War thought that Europe was going to be the most important front since Europe was the most industrialized and modern while the rest was just rural area's and not white so nobody spent as much attention elsewhere. Needless to say they were wrong in the sense that now Russia isn't as powerful and China an India are becoming the center of attention not to mention all those countries in OPEC. Which is my point, the game itself opens up with the end of the Vietnam War, it would be awesome to have different maps such as in deserts or jungles with China in particular (c'mon, Czechoslovakia AND America are in the game but no China?).
BothChicken, you make a good point. I think Eugen started with Ruse, has moved the timeline up with W:EE, will be expanding on more elements of modern combat with Airland Battle and, once that's been developed, may well begin adding on DLC to bring those other elements you mentioned into an expanded ALB. I'd very much like to see that kind of progressive design strategy from them. It would be great to be able to play an ALB expansion that allowed you to do the battles in Afghanistan as Soviet or Mujahadeen forces, something in the way of a campaign in Africa mirroring one of the many protracted conflicts there or the war in Bosnia or the Middle East. I think that eventually, we might well see that.

As far as mods, I was thinking that I'd like to see a mod that moved a W:EE or ALB type game into the future. Imagining using this kind of game to fight it out with more advanced equipment that some of us have read about in Science Fiction novels gets me excited for the future of the franchise. Grav Tanks anyone?
The one thing I'd like to see in future expansions is the inclusion of other Cold War fronts. Right now, the game focuses heavily on the drive of the Warsaw Pact through the Fulda Gap and through the North German Plain. I'd love to see the side actions. No doubt there would be battles in the Cacuses and Balkans, and there might even be some action in the Pacific going on. Invasion of Hokkaido or somesuch....all these other fronts would provide different terrain types that could prove interesting places to fight over.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από BothChicken:
There is a WWII mod it's called RUSE.

Other than that I think WWII is a bit overdone, Eugen's already made a WWII game and I think a good place to expand would be not-Europe. What I mean by that is that some of the most heated Cold War moments weren't in Europe, everyone at the beginning of the Cold War thought that Europe was going to be the most important front since Europe was the most industrialized and modern while the rest was just rural area's and not white so nobody spent as much attention elsewhere. Needless to say they were wrong in the sense that now Russia isn't as powerful and China an India are becoming the center of attention not to mention all those countries in OPEC. Which is my point, the game itself opens up with the end of the Vietnam War, it would be awesome to have different maps such as in deserts or jungles with China in particular (c'mon, Czechoslovakia AND America are in the game but no China?).

I've got It
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Εμφάνιση 1-12 από 12 σχόλια
Ανά σελίδα: 1530 50

Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 4 Ιαν 2013, 4:33
Αναρτήσεις: 12