Flatspace IIk

Flatspace IIk

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Cornutopia  [developer] Sep 9, 2023 @ 8:50am
Welcome to Flatspace IIk v1.08!
Flatspace IIk has bene updated today with for the second time in 2023.

The biggest change is the addition of Steam Achievements. Apologies that it's taken so long, as many areas of Flatspace can benefit from this. For now, the 9 (yes nine!) official game secrets are (hidden) Achievements. Not sure if it's been mentioned before that there are 9 secrets, but now you know.

There are a lot of future possibilities for Stats and Achievements.

There are a few smaller changes, like a new background colour for the credits, and some new people in the permanent game universe, from Pythagoras to Gene Roddenberry.

The next Flatspace addition will be the We Robot Music Pack, due on the 29th September.

Meanwhile, enjoy exploring, and let me know if you find any bugs.
