The Cavern

The Cavern

Farten Jan 15, 2018 @ 1:18pm
Cant escape first room.
I see two blue circle at my belt (waist)
I can put items into thos circles.
I see the two doors are flashing yellow and assume I must find items to open the doors.
I cant 'grip' them to opem them.
I have tried putting all sorts of combinations into the belt to ssee if that hepls.
I cant find a key
I tried logical things like the map and letter opener (knif) which I thought might be useful, but nothing seems to let me open the doors.
I even tried the calendar and envelope stamp !

A little hint would help.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Farten Jan 15, 2018 @ 1:23pm 
OMG you have to use the teleoport on the door? LOL!
I must have teleported to the door 20 times but never on the door.
Not at all intuitive.
trying to use the side buttons to grip the handles made the most sense because that is what I do to 'hold' other objects.
pointing and clicking with my triggers was my next option, which made more sense than teleporing ONTO the door, that would be like, telporting half way up a wall - it made no sense and never occuured to me

I don't find that logical at all.
RedFive Apr 21, 2018 @ 11:10pm 
I agree completely. Really poorly designed by the devs. Next time, make grabbing the door handles open the door!
RickPlaying May 13, 2018 @ 3:06pm 
Thanks! I needed this "hint" too.
Star Brand Jun 11, 2018 @ 1:55pm 
Anyone know how many rocks per barrel?
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