MacGuffin's Curse

MacGuffin's Curse

The obligatory "Linux please" thread
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Have looked the feasability of it a couple of times, but unfortunately at this stage it doesn't seem likely. Hopefully this will change in the future.

I believe there are some programs that allow you to play Windows and Mac games in Linux? Perhaps not exactly what you're after, but it might be an option.
MacGuffin's Curse seem to be able to run through wine. Launcer is starting without problem.
Unfortunatly after clicking [Play!] There is fullscreen (regardless of chosed option) message:
"Steam not running.
Please run your Steam client and restart MacGuffin's Curse."
Even if that would work we (probably, I'm pretty sure of it) wouldn't be able to e.g. track our achievments on Steam.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Kalumniatoris; 2013. nov. 14., 12:14
A native Linux version would be sweet.
flesk eredeti hozzászólása:
A native Linux version would be sweet.
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