Mesh Maker VR

Mesh Maker VR

tardegast Aug 15, 2017 @ 3:16pm
Great program, there are a few bugs tho
I have used this program to create my character model with. I am going for a low poly style, as it is easier and looks quite good imo, so I thought this would be a nice program to make it with.
While working on my model, I ran in some bugs however, so I kept a list of them.

I have been using the oculus rift+touch on windows 10, when running into these bugs:
-When making a triangle, the visualisation of the vertices stopped working when interacting with the menu, so when I hit the button to create a triangle again(in an attempt to start the triangle create from scratch as I selected an incorrect vertex) it would appear as if the vertices had been deselected, but it would continue the triangle creation where I left off.
-when gripping to move the model, you would let go when interacting with the menu with the other hand
-When I opened one of the menus, it would hide the other one automatically. I would like to be able to select a color without having to switch menus.So it would be nice if I could have both menus open at the same time(which appears like it should be the case from how the button text is phrased)
-Triangles stop rendering when pressing create or delete triangle, while gripping with the left controller. This scared me quite a bit a few times, as I thought I had accidentally deleted all triangles. Fortunately, it is only a visual glitch
-When using certain tools, like triangle creation, it would allow you grip with both hands first, but after creating a triangle with my right hand, that would stop working all of a sudden. Most of the time it only stopped working on the right hand, but sometimes on both too. When switching back to vertex move/scale mode, I would be able to grip again.
-In general it seems like the hovering over vertices/triangles runs on different code than the code to actually select them. Often when I hovered over a vertex or triangle, it seemed like it would select it when hitting the button, but it would all of a sudden not select anything, or something completely different. This happened quite a lot, and is incredibly annoying when it causes you to delete the wrong triangle.
-When switching between move/scale vertex and move/scale object, I would often get visual glitches. It would stop rendering the triangles when in vertex mode, or wouldn't stop rendering the orange outline around the triangles. Sometimes it stops rendering of all components. It would solve it self when going back and forwards between the modes tho.

Then I also have some feature requests:
-It would be nice if the extrusion tool would automatically remove the triangles it extruded from as these triangles will often be inside the model afterwards
-A way of hiding the normals of the triangles would be nice too, I probably started in too small of a scale or something, and as a result these normal lines are really big and clutter the screen quite a bit
-A lighting system. It would be cool if you could place some simple lights, and control some shadow options, so you can see what the model will look like with shading applied.
-separate buttons for vertex moving and world/model moving might be nice. I have often moved a random vertex when trying to rotate the model
-It would be cool if you could add your own special folder to the browser, my destination was quite some directory levels deep, so it takes quite some time browsing there every time.
-It would be quite nice if holding the trigger button would allow you to select vertices too, instead of needing to press the button for every vertex seperately
-finally, a undo and redo system would be really nice. I do however understand that this would be difficult to create, but it would really improve the program a lot. Many of the complaints I have, are related to me accidentally altering the wrong triangle or vertex, if I could simply undo this move, it would be quite a bit less frustrating.

But in general, this is a great program. I am really enjoying making my model in this program, it is really simple to work with, I will probably import the model in blender in order to mirror it properly later but it has been really nice getting the basics shapes/colors done with this software. When this software is in a later stage and less buggy, I will definitely pay some money for it.
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