Mesh Maker VR

Mesh Maker VR

FaceKing Jun 30, 2017 @ 2:11pm
Just tried it. A few requests.
I've been looking for a vr modeling program for some time now and I like this one because you have much more control with vertices.
I'm a CAD designer and use 3dsMax a lot so there are a few features from that software I would like to see here.

The biggest would be the ability to cut polygons. For example, draw a line across the face of a poly and a new line appears along with two new vertices (or more if cutting across multiple faces).

I'd like to be able to manipulate a mesh by moving edges instead of having to select multiple vertices.

Some way to scale selected faces would be great too.

Please let me know if any of these features are already in place and I just missed them.

Great program! Can't wait to see more updates!
Last edited by FaceKing; Jun 30, 2017 @ 2:11pm