AI War 2

AI War 2

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Soirasor Oct 12, 2018 @ 8:11pm
Hi! :) Prompt, please! What localization languages are planned in the future? Thanks!!!
Sorry for Google Translate =)
Originally posted by x-4000 (Chris McElligott Park):
At this point we don't have any plans for localization, as the game has a massive amount of text, much of it dynamic, and frequently changing with updates.

Even if there were volunteer translators, right now we don't have the game set up with external files that are able to be localized and then swapped out. Our text data just isn't set up that way in this game, so translation would require a lot of code to become possible.

As a bit of background for anyone reading:

I have done translation work with partners in the past, and it's extremely painful on the code. We have lots of dynamic sentences in this game that change based on context, and that does not work well between languages without a lot of string manipulation. That sort of manipulation takes time and also is mildly wasteful on the machines running them.

In the past we have had both fan and professional translations of our titles into German and Russian. Our experiences were that these gave no return on income (while having a large expense in our time even for the fan ones), were out of date very very quickly (we kept building more expansions and tweaking the game, but where we the translators to keep up with that?), and that the grammar and whatnot apparently left a lot to be desired for native speakers.

Ultimately it spent a lot of our time and did not make people happy. So this time, for now at least, we have opted to skip that time cost.

Sorry that I don't have better news!
< >
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A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
x-4000 (Chris McElligott Park)  [developer] Oct 13, 2018 @ 6:46am 
At this point we don't have any plans for localization, as the game has a massive amount of text, much of it dynamic, and frequently changing with updates.

Even if there were volunteer translators, right now we don't have the game set up with external files that are able to be localized and then swapped out. Our text data just isn't set up that way in this game, so translation would require a lot of code to become possible.

As a bit of background for anyone reading:

I have done translation work with partners in the past, and it's extremely painful on the code. We have lots of dynamic sentences in this game that change based on context, and that does not work well between languages without a lot of string manipulation. That sort of manipulation takes time and also is mildly wasteful on the machines running them.

In the past we have had both fan and professional translations of our titles into German and Russian. Our experiences were that these gave no return on income (while having a large expense in our time even for the fan ones), were out of date very very quickly (we kept building more expansions and tweaking the game, but where we the translators to keep up with that?), and that the grammar and whatnot apparently left a lot to be desired for native speakers.

Ultimately it spent a lot of our time and did not make people happy. So this time, for now at least, we have opted to skip that time cost.

Sorry that I don't have better news!
Soirasor Oct 13, 2018 @ 6:57am 
Thanks for reply! = ) Maybe this will be another reason to learn English =D
x-4000 (Chris McElligott Park)  [developer] Oct 13, 2018 @ 7:38am 
Thank you for the kind response. :) I'm sorry I couldn't give you a better answer!
Antul Oct 31, 2019 @ 2:32am 
Есть отличный перевод на русский язык первой части игры. Поэтому зря говорите, что игроки не стали довольны.
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Date Posted: Oct 12, 2018 @ 8:11pm
Posts: 4