AI War 2

AI War 2

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Where is the tutorial?
For rl? Don't know how to build ships, don't know how to add said ships to carrier ships, no idea how to get research. Nothing, 0. By mistake foud out how to use an hyperspace link/gate or whatever this is since the game does not explain this. Moved to a new sector, GREAT! Build a command/something in high orbit, now what? You expect me to conquer this with 1 fleet? Sorry, I played through stellaris, hegemony iron legions, homeworld and a few others. But they at least had some sort of tutorial!

Here have a fleet, a planet and a AI that controls 95% of the galaxy. GL

The f is this? You make a 4x RTS that is not your normal 4x RTS game ( as the AI will grow stronger, so fast wide expansion is a bad idea ) and yet you don't put easy tutorial that will explain just the simple game basic mechanics so the player can carry on his own after that and experiment and learn by "burning himself"

Yeah, You have a wall of text. Great! Try to read trough this, still have no idea how to build more ships, what I do know is my ships are organized into fleets and my factories are automated.

2/10 only because a flag ship carrier is faster than a fighter. I wan't to play this game, I want to enjoy it, but I can't even build a damn scout ship.
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Visar 1-6 av 6 kommentarer
hazxan 18 okt, 2019 @ 5:54 
On the first screen, towards the bottom on the right, there should be a button cunningly labelled "Tutorials" ;-)

Everything you ask is covered in them, they are fairly quick and painless.
Senast ändrad av hazxan; 18 okt, 2019 @ 5:55
UncleYar 19 okt, 2019 @ 9:26 
Which wall of text are you referring to?
BATTLEMODE 19 okt, 2019 @ 15:22 
The "Tutorials" button on the main menu screen is pretty difficult to miss...

Considering the game hasn't even released yet, I think the in-game documentation is pretty solid.
UncleYar 19 okt, 2019 @ 16:09 
Ursprungligen skrivet av (DGS)BATTLEMODE:
The "Tutorials" button on the main menu screen is pretty difficult to miss...

Considering the game hasn't even released yet, I think the in-game documentation is pretty solid.
I actually think it's really easy to miss, given that it's small, next to a box with a lot of text, and that there are 10 different buttons on the main menu. It breaks your expectations by not being under the Single Player menu. And unlike most games these days you don't get prompted to play the tutorial if you jump into a single-player game.

People tend to have limited gaming time with a lot of other games competing for the same time, so they start already skeptical, and important things have to be absolutely in-your-face and findable in under a second if you want to stand a chance to make a good first impression.

It's useless to blame the player, you're just gonna drive people away. People miss "obvious" things in UIs all the time, and it's always a sign that your UI should be adapted.
warhawk_rider 19 okt, 2019 @ 18:07 
Yeah, I think it would be better to have it as one of the larger buttons on the bottom, like where the "more" button is located. It took me a few seconds to find it. It really doesn't bother me at all, but it might annoy some people, like UncleYar above. Seems like an easy fix to make everyone happy.
Major.Pain 20 okt, 2019 @ 0:25 
Yeah if you do the bite size tutorials, read the extra 'how to' bits as you start a Quick Start/Basic/Helping Hands game you will be good.
When you are in the game pause and look at the 'intel' tab of the UI it will give you pointers on what to do based on what you know at the time, the more you explore, complete tasks and capture/destroy parts of the AI the more this intel tab will fill out and give you more pointers ect.

Don't play it like a typical 4x by 'Expanding' everywhere you will anger the AI and die, you are more a guerrilla fighter possibly only taking 10 ish planets of your own to build command stations on of own the entire game based on what you find/want/are in relation to ect.

Its not too hard to get the basics down and the UI ect does a good job of giving you the info with tooltips as you play.

You capture extra Fleets, Ships lines and technology through Hacking/Capturing planets ect you will see what/where from the map icons at enemy planets and intel tab.

Scouting is done mostly Automatic as you capture planets/complete tasks you will see more of the map fill out as you play, you can't just roam through 'unscouted' areas of the map as you please.

Holding the R key gives you extra Tactical into when hovering over enemy units.
Holding C and clicking gives you more in depth info of the little 'pop up threats' top left ect.
Holding CTRL on Map(Tab) displays name of all known planets ect.
Z Displays attack ranges of ships when you hover over them.
Avoid level IV and V planets, don't even until you get the basics you will die.

Most of this/all of this is explained n the tutorials and How To parts of the game to be honest it does a reasonable job of giving you the basics and even goes into explaining more advanced features ect.

If you really are adverse to reading i suggest the usual Youtube lets plays.
Senast ändrad av Major.Pain; 20 okt, 2019 @ 0:37
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Datum skrivet: 18 okt, 2019 @ 4:09
Inlägg: 6