Galactic Core: The Lost Fleet

Galactic Core: The Lost Fleet

A quick note to the dev
Before I even post my feedback for the whole game I have to point this out. There's no menu option in game, there's a button almost every other dev used to access the menu that does nothing though. The level of frustration caused by this is increased by the fact that when you don't feel like finishing the level (do they even actually finish without the player losing?) I have to exit the game, and upon exiting the game steam vr ends up needing to be shut down because it gets stuck telling me it's trying to exit. It's little things like this that are going to have people asknig for a refund before even trying all 3 missions and all 3 classes currently available. Honestly the only reason I'm going to play more at this point is because I told you I would provide you with detailed feedback, of which I have lots without having played the 3rd level or the 3rd class. Both of which I planned to do after unlocking the 3rd level, but after dealing with that I decided to take off my Vive and do something else for a little while, which is the opposite of what you want your game to be inspiring people to do.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Portal Studios  [developer] May 1, 2017 @ 7:53pm 
I can see how you would expect that to be obvious, having a menu and being able to jump in and out of a mission at will is a pretty basic requirement.
It's something we've been actually postponing for quite a while for other, supposedly more urgent features and fixes.
However I cannot ignore your input and the level frustration it has caused you.
We're taking this 100% seriously and are trying our very best to push this game forward.
We will provide a means for the player to jump in and out of missions if not by menu then by another convenient manner.
We have a minor patch scheduled for this week, I will try to push it into that patch, and in any case it should be out by the patch after that.
Thanks a lot for the comment and looking forward to your full feedback.
Last edited by Portal Studios; May 1, 2017 @ 7:54pm
dosburritos May 1, 2017 @ 8:08pm 
Right on, my apologies for the ranting nature of the op. I had just exited the game, and then steam vr, because the game got stuck trying to exit, and was a little frustrated. I'm not sure if that's something in the code, but it seems to happen every time I exit Galactic Core, and never for any of my other games. Also, this thread seems like a good place to mention that once you complete the wave required to unlock a new feature, every subsequent wave gives you a message saying achievement unlocked, new _____ available upon completion. That seems like a fairly minor bug, but after three or four waves it only serves to enhance the frustration from not being able to exit the mission to try the new one.
Portal Studios  [developer] May 2, 2017 @ 1:47am 
Don't worry about it, the point you were trying to make was made very clear.

- I've noted the other issue you mentioned with the spamming achievement message and will have it checked out and taken care of right away. Sounds like something minor indeed, so a fix for it should be included in the upcoming patch.

- As for the game causing SteamVR to hang - after running some tests I've noticed the hang occurs when one tries to 1st close Galactic Core and then tries to open another game.
Strangely enough it does not occur when one tries to open another game while already running Galactic Core in the background (i.e. when Galactic Core is open and you launch another game without shutting down Galactic Core 1st).
I currently have no guess as to why that might occur but I'll be looking into it ASAP as that is obviously a hassle for anyone trying to close the game and switch away to other activities.
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