

agentfx  [developer] Jan 7, 2017 @ 7:42am
What do you think?
Its challenging to be on your own, I don't know what is obvious and what is confusing when people try my game w/o me there. How hard is it? too easy? Too hard? What do you think of the scoring? I sort of made that just and just went with it, didn't do any math to see if there was a smarter scoring ratios.
I don't have steam saves yet so your scores probably won't keep.
If you want to researt a level or run out of bombs, crash the plane. Is that the best idea? Do we want a button for that? Do we want to auto land the plane ever? I don't think so, but maybe. Anyway, just sort of rambling in the dark here. But feel free to tell it to me straight if you must. I want to make this the best experience I can, however I can only do so much. Like no multiplayer. I'd have to learn all that from scratch. It just seems like an added complication that if I were to add it, it'd be after the game has done well enough to hire a network programmer.

This was such a well thought out and well organised post, I hope all my posts will be as good! hah.

The short short verion of all that is the title, what did you think? Thanks!
Date Posted: Jan 7, 2017 @ 7:42am
Posts: 0