Speedball Arena
VR no longer possible after update!
When I bought the game as Snatchers, I had no problem running in Steam VR. After the update to Speedball Arena, only the desktop mode is running, even when I choose the VR option. Anyone has the same problem or can offer solution? I have no way of contacting the developer. I am using Oculus Rift.
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Εμφάνιση 1-1 από 1 σχόλια
Hi Francis, It's unfortunate to hear that you have such issue. Please go into settings icon placed upper right side from the main screen of the game and see if VR Mode is off. If it's off, please try to run it on.

If the issue is still not resolved, please contact us again!
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Εμφάνιση 1-1 από 1 σχόλια
Ανά σελίδα: 1530 50