Speedball Arena
Some thoughts on the controls as I've had a chance to feel them out for a bit.

I know left handed function will be added in an upcoming update, however, if the boost mechanic were both up and down, and the jump both left and right, and a more ambidextrous position taken it solves problems of comfotability for any player, as some could use the down button instead of up if that is more comfortable (It would be with me as my offhand pickey was crushed when I was a kid, so it's extremely difficult to hold the controller as it's layed out right now. Also a little painful after about 15-20 minuites)

On to more possibility, It dawned on me that I basically hold the motion controller in my lap where the stick would be, and with the fact that I own joysticks and every other form of peripheral, as well as a sim-rig with mounts for said peripherals, a direct input rebind option would be absoulutely amazing! Having a stick in the off hand would be so cool! (not sure how viable that is, but it sounds cool!)

The grappling hook seems a little delayed on it's firing, it can shoot in a direction not where I'm aiming, and after a charge shooting the ball is a crap shoot sometimes where I aim, and the ball flys off in a different direction. Or just falls out as if not fired at all. (The hook needs to be very snappy on it's response, and with timing required to get a hit via "travel time," it needs to be more responsive than it is) I'm not sure if that's just FPS lag, so I'll have to play around with settings to see if I can make the problem go away.
Опубліковано: 27 жовт. 2017 о 10:28
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