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Star-X Feb 4, 2017 @ 10:54am
This is where all the anime fans on prom night went after being rejected by M#9.
Seriously, I remember seeing a playthrough of this years ago, and thinking, "wow, this is on the same level as classic Megaman games". I never got around to actually playing it, but it's really amazing that a small dev was able to pull off a classic Megaman styled game better than the actual supposed creator of Megaman.

Tbh though X-style Megaman games are my preference, but hats off to the devs for making Keiji Inafune cry like an anime fan on prom night with a classic Megaman styled game. :p
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Red Feb 4, 2017 @ 11:15am 
There's a hidden character that plays like Zero from the MMX series.
Star-X Feb 4, 2017 @ 11:34am 
Originally posted by Rednavi:
There's a hidden character that plays like Zero from the MMX series.
Yeah, I've seen her. Not quite the same though as, IIRC, she doesn't get the upgrades that make the X series so enjoyable (no heart tanks, no ability upgrades, etc). That's kind of what I meant, btw; the dashing is important, but I'd much rather have dashing AND upgrades.

But in any case this game still beats the pants off of M#9.
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