Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Mithrand  [developer] Sep 23, 2022 @ 12:46am
Contribute to Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
Contribute to Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop is a FREE and open source cooperative top down shooter.

The game itself completely depends on volunteers, who are helping to add features and fixes to the game in their free time. There are no micro transactions, all functionality in the game is free and open source.


Because the game is maintained by volunteers, contributions are very welcome. These can come in many forms, like new maps, challenges, artwork, translations, testing or programming on the core itself.

Everyone can contribute. To give a small head start, here are the most important links to get started.

Issue tracker

Our main issue tracker is located on GitHub, issues and features posted on different platforms end up there and are categorized. Sometimes, we hold discussions on platforms about changes, in the end those also end up there.

The code itself is located at:


The game comes in many languages. It's important to keep those translations up to date. We don't speak most of the languages ourselves, so we rely on natives here.

The translation repository can be found at:


Scripting is a way to create challenges or custom functionality, without diving into the game core itself. Below are some links to get you started with scripting and packaging of it:

Donations for campaign creators

For creators, we have a donation system in place, the community can rewards high-quality campaign creators by donating to them, directly from the game.

If you would like to receive donations for your (high quality) campaign, give us a pm, and we will share instructions, how to set up workshop revenue sharing in Steam.


We prefer to have the public conversation on Steam. On some topics we hold discussions there from time to time. The result of those discussions end up in a ticket on GitHub.

General questions can be asked on Steam, using a topic, in chat or our Discord server.

For more specific side projects we have specialized group chats, this to keep the amount of off-topic talk minimal. Some of those groups are invite-only, since they are really specialized. Example of such groups are:

- Development of a new campaign, with all involved people in it;
- A group for ranked server owners, to share feedback with each other;
- A programming group for core members;
- A group where we discuss issues with exploiting of game and leaderboards.

Everything discussed there eventually finds its way to GitHub and is mentioned in the release notes.

If you are interested in participating in any of those groups, or if you are searching for a place to discuss specific things, just put a message in the chat, so we can link you up.

In general, we appreciate any on-topic, constructive feedback.

Ranked servers

Ranked servers are sponsored by the community. They provide additional gameplay features and more extensive protection. For becoming a server to be ranked, we have the following requirements:

- the server should be non-modded, and as default as possible;
- the server should run default tickrate, to minimize issues;
- the server should have no secondary admins, besides the owner. If there are additional admins, the full list needs to be communicated before becoming ranked;
- the owner should have a well known track record in the community (no bans, toxicity or bad behavior in general);
- the server should be on a good network connection, with adequate hardware;
- it should be always available to the public, 24/7;
- preferably a (semi) fixed IP address;
- the desire to run a server for longer time. We don't want to add servers that are just temporary.

We consider ranked server owners, to be ambassadors of the game, and therefore expect such to represent the community in a positive way. For more details see:

To setup a server that is meeting the standards, you can look at this guide:

Before applying to become official, please make sure that you meet the requirements as mentioned above, and the server has been run stable for a few weeks.

After this period, to applicate as 'official server', you can open a ticket at . A member of the team will contact you about the details.


Important links that might be useful to get started can be found in this topic:

Other questions

If you have other questions, feel free to ask them in chat or by private message. You can find a list of known contributors on our website:
Last edited by Mithrand; Apr 8 @ 5:19am
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Hardcore Games™ Apr 20, 2023 @ 10:20am 
I have found the open nature to be an excellent option as swarms of contributors all stepped up
闲鱼你猜 Aug 13, 2023 @ 7:42am 
Ground Control Dec 22, 2023 @ 5:28am 
Is there a way to get a dedicated server ranked without making a ticket? It's just you have to sign in to your steam account to post a ticket, which i'm hesitant to do.
Mithrand  [developer] Dec 22, 2023 @ 6:43am 
Originally posted by Ground Control:
Is there a way to get a dedicated server ranked without making a ticket? It's just you have to sign in to your steam account to post a ticket, which i'm hesitant to do.

If you PM me the name, I can check it and send you the instructions.
Last edited by Mithrand; Dec 22, 2023 @ 6:54am
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