Frequent Flyer
dry sock Jan 25, 2017 @ 4:06pm
Game Crashes at launch and there is no message, i use windows 64. I really want to play this game, it looks amazing. Please Help.
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comrad_gremlin  [developer] Jan 25, 2017 @ 11:54pm 

I'm really sorry that it's happening.

If you can send me a letter from your email to - I'll send a small diagnostics script. (much easier for me and you probably)

If you don't want to do this, we can try diagnosing the problem the following way (a bit harder):

Go To Library -> Right Click on the Game -> Pick "Properties" -> Local Files -> Browse Local Files

The game folder will open. In my case it is F:\software\Steam\steamapps\common\FrequentFlyer
In your case it will be something different.

If you are using windows 8+ - press the "Windows" key on your keyboard, type in "cmd", find and open Command Prompt
In command prompt, write:
1) F: (disk name where Steam is located)
2) cd "F:\software\Steam\steamapps\common\FrequentFlyer" (put the path inside the quotes)
3) frequentflyer.exe > log.txt 2>&1 (exactly this line)

log.txt file will appear in the game folder. You'll need to write the contents here or send it to me to

Again, really sorry this is happening.
Last edited by comrad_gremlin; Jan 25, 2017 @ 11:54pm
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