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Karlodinium 29 MAR 2017 a las 3:41
[Linux] Cannot start; game freezes at menu
I can't get this to start on Linux. I get to the main menu, but after selecting "New Game", the visuals freeze, although the sound keeps playing.

I *can* access the options. As others have stated [1], alt-tabbing is broken when the game is full-screen. I see this too. Similarly, after it crashes as above, I couldn't quit the game (and I couldn't switch to the other ttys), and had to hard restart my computer.

I can turn on windowed mode, which allows alt-tabbing. Nevertheless, it still crashes as above. In this case I can kill it from the terminal at least.

I tried to run it from the terminal to see if the errors were more verbose. I'm on an optimus GPU, so I tried running it with primusrun, which failed. However, just running the launcher directly (without primusrun) seems to use bumblebee anyway, according to the output of `optirun --status`.

$ cd ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Sumoman $ primusrun ./ ./sumoman_x64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory $ ./ Running Steam on arch rolling 64-bit STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically

I kept going, and it froze at the same point, with no further messages.

I'm running an up-to-date Arch Linux system.

Última edición por Karlodinium; 29 MAR 2017 a las 3:42
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Mostrando 1-15 de 15 comentarios
Esc  [desarrollador] 29 MAR 2017 a las 4:38 
1.You can try to manually setup game options.
Find a "game_launcher.cfg" file in ~/SteamApps/common/Sumoman/bin directory.
That file saved a launch game options:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resolution>1280x720</resolution> <!-- screen resolution -->
<fullscreen>0</fullscreen> <!-- disable fulscreen mode -->
<video_multisample>0</video_multisample> <!-- disable antialiasing -->
<quality>low</quality> <!-- low game quality -->

2. You can try add primusrun option for run the game in a ~/SteamApps/common/Sumoman/ by modify it:
line 14: primusrun $MAIN -system_width $SYS_WIDTH -system_height $SYS_HEIGHT
Karlodinium 29 MAR 2017 a las 14:44 
Publicado originalmente por Esc:
1.You can try to manually setup game options.

As per my initial post, it seemed that I was already able to set up the options. It was just the game launch that failed. However, I tried replacing my existing options with yours, but it still failed.

Also, on my system, it's not `~/SteamApps/…` but `~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/…` (a symlink to `~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/…`)

Publicado originalmente por Esc:
2. You can try add primusrun option

As per my initial post, I think that even without this modification, launching it from the terminal used bumblebee (primusrun). However, I tried your modification anyway, but it still failed with the same output.
Esc  [desarrollador] 29 MAR 2017 a las 21:00 
Sorry for a late reply.
Can you send me a "game_log.html" log file after crash the game?
This file located in a bin directory of game.

You can send a file to my email:
Última edición por Esc; 29 MAR 2017 a las 21:35
Karlodinium 30 MAR 2017 a las 2:25 
No worries. I've sent it through. I reverted the changes above, launched Steam with primusrun, then launched Sumoman from within Steam.
Esc  [desarrollador] 30 MAR 2017 a las 2:54 
Hi Karlodinium! I watched your game log.
Perhaps the driver by NVIDIA version of 378.13 that you are using does not work correctly. Try to using the recommended by NVIDIA a driver version 375.39 for your GT 555M video card.

You can download and install driver here:
NVIDIA driver 375.39[]

Let me know about result.
Karlodinium 30 MAR 2017 a las 17:33 
Hmm, installing this is… non-trivial. In Arch, nvidia has been patched to fix issues with specific kernel versions. I tried installing the old nvidia version and it just didn't work. I could try installing the 340 legacy branch though, if you think that might help? Or even the 304 branch? What have you tested it on? Ubuntu? Do you know what nvidia version they use?
Esc  [desarrollador] 30 MAR 2017 a las 21:19 
I'm testing Sumoman on a two Linux PC.
First PC is a Elementary OS based on Ubuntu 16.04 with a NVIDIA GeForce GT 710 video card with a 1024 MB video memory and using 3.2.0 NVIDIA 375.39 driver.
The second PC is a debian Steam OS with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750Ti with a 2048 MB video memory and using 4.5.0 NVIDIA 367.27 driver.

Both PC works fine and has no problems for run Sumoman game.

Probably for your case not enough 256 MB video memory for correctly work game render and i can't test it because i have not video card with a 256 MB video memory.

I try to find some PC with a mobile NVIDIA video card and will test it soon.
Karlodinium 31 MAR 2017 a las 2:21 
I do play games that I would expect to tax my GPU more, for example Shadow of Mordor. Having said that, if my GPU is the problem, then running Sumoman at a lower resolution should fix it, right?

I tried running it at the minimum resolution of 1024 x 576, with ultra low and antialiasing off for good measure. Sumoman still froze. This time, the log got slightly further than before, with the following lines appended.

<div class="m">20:15:28 Unigine~# render_restart</div> <div class="m">20:15:28 Set 1024x576 windowed video mode</div> <div class="m">20:15:29 Set 1.00 gamma value</div> <div class="m">20:16:09 Unigine~# world_load sumo/data_pc/levels/level_1/level_1</div>
Esc  [desarrollador] 31 MAR 2017 a las 8:46 
Hm... How long time you wait before the game is crashed? Can you try to wait loading level? Need more log records after "world_load sumo/data_pc/levels/level_1/level_1" line :)
Karlodinium 31 MAR 2017 a las 14:35 
I waited 3–4 minutes.

FWIW I also tried disabling the steam overlay and it made no difference. I waited 4 minutes this time.
Última edición por Karlodinium; 31 MAR 2017 a las 18:04
Karlodinium 6 ABR 2017 a las 2:30 
I give up. None of your suggestions have been credible, and you haven't replied in five days. I've applied for a refund and given the game a negative review. You obviously need to work on your QA, but more importantly, on your customer service. If it were merely the former, I wouldn't have left the negative review.
brrrrro  [desarrollador] 6 ABR 2017 a las 3:03 
System Requirements: SteamOS, Ubuntu 14.04 64bit

If you use something else, it is better to use refund. Sorry for it, but we can't fix it right now. We have only one programmer, and we focused on gameplay bugs at this moment.
LinuxVR 20 ABR 2017 a las 20:50 
It appears to be working a bit better after the update #3. It has finally loaded for me on my HTPC Debian testing system where before it would just run in the background.

Though I do have a white screen in place of graphics.
The work around for the white screen is to add/create .drirc and add the following.

<!-- Please always enable app-specific workarounds for all drivers and
screens. -->
<!-- mesa commit b0ff18bd3441ce7f28354686934440a92826eaf8 -->
<application name="Sumoman 64-bit" executable="sumoman_x64">
<option name="allow_glsl_extension_directive_midshader" value="true" />
Esc  [desarrollador] 21 ABR 2017 a las 2:21 
The last three patches fix only gameplay bugs, and have nothing to do with work on different systems. So we still support only Ubuntu or Steam OS.
Última edición por Esc; 21 ABR 2017 a las 2:54
LinuxVR 23 ABR 2017 a las 18:20 
Yes, it was a glitch in the system, after a reboot it's back to running in the background.
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