Argentium-Star 2019년 3월 10일 오전 10시 22분
4-digit pass code to access John's computer in his room
So, before you head over to the SD-01, you are able, at some point, to use a (not giving it away) terminal to unlock John's Room (opposite Aryn's). Inside, you see his various old computers etc, and his primary workstation is accessible, but requires a 4-digit code...

I've not tried 2019 yet, but will do soon. (1212 obvs doesn't work..)
If that's not the right code in the right place, instead of a SPOILER answer, I'd be grateful if someone can suggest where I might FIND his passcode?

Or - DeRaNgEr - are we not supposed to gain access to John's workstation?
I have a sneaking suspicion we ARE supposed to get in there, eventually..

Thanks. :)
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3개 댓글 중 1-3개 표시
DeRaNgEr  [개발자] 2019년 3월 10일 오전 10시 45분 
Argentium-Star님이 먼저 게시:
So, before you head over to the SD-01, you are able, at some point, to use a (not giving it away) terminal to unlock John's Room (opposite Aryn's). Inside, you see his various old computers etc, and his primary workstation is accessible, but requires a 4-digit code...

I've not tried 2019 yet, but will do soon. (1212 obvs doesn't work..)
If that's not the right code in the right place, instead of a SPOILER answer, I'd be grateful if someone can suggest where I might FIND his passcode?

Or - DeRaNgEr - are we not supposed to gain access to John's workstation?
I have a sneaking suspicion we ARE supposed to get in there, eventually..

Thanks. :)
You can surely unlock John's PC. The solution is right there in the same room. :) Remember to be on the lookout for something related to numbers. ;)
Argentium-Star 2019년 3월 10일 오전 11시 03분 
I had that thought while I was playing; will need to revisit it .. .darnit, normally I'm pretty good with that sort of thing.

I tried 8088, 8086, 1983 (or is that 1984?) but I do not know the Commodore PET's number, or actually what old computer that is (Ha) so I may need to do a bit of research, at a guess. ;)
Argentium-Star 2019년 3월 10일 오후 1시 09분 
I found it, but - for the sake of other players who might have lower spec'd systems - it absolutely MUST be said that The Solution can "only" be clearlyseen with
Options > Video Options > Texture .. set to EPIC.

Strangely, though, setting "Detail Mode" to Low seems to make it MORE choppy, not less; and Detail Mode High seems to make it smoother, even while Textures are set to EPIC.

OK, that's that done. :D
Given the "discovery", I'm going to now go up to the Cockpit and see if there's any "follow-up"...
Argentium-Star 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2019년 3월 10일 오후 1시 28분
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3개 댓글 중 1-3개 표시
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