Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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bratanek 12. dec. 2018 kl. 11:01
Best class squad for Fortunes of war?
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Viser 1-15 af 19 kommentarer
Ironslayer541 12. dec. 2018 kl. 11:06 
From what ive experinced so far the stealth or classes with a dash seem to work well at least for solo anyway id imagine its about the same with 4 people. The less mobile classes kinda seem like they would just get swarmed on.
DeMasked 12. dec. 2018 kl. 11:09 
Dwarf Ranger Veteran is really good with potion drop since so many specials can spawn.
bratanek 12. dec. 2018 kl. 13:43 
Oprindeligt skrevet af DeMasked:
Dwarf Ranger Veteran is really good with potion drop since so many specials can spawn.
Shade is must have i guess
bratanek 12. dec. 2018 kl. 13:44 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Ironslayer541:
From what ive experinced so far the stealth or classes with a dash seem to work well at least for solo anyway id imagine its about the same with 4 people. The less mobile classes kinda seem like they would just get swarmed on.
"Less mobile" you mean tanky-class?
zverozvero 12. dec. 2018 kl. 13:55 
Nah, those that cant move around quick. Further down the drain it goes even radial knockdown wont cut it if you cant reposition through wall of elites to the corner that is still relatively free so you can snipe disablers.
PCMaker 12. dec. 2018 kl. 13:57 
Zealot, Merc, Ranger vet, Shade
Pumba 12. dec. 2018 kl. 14:06 
Witch hunter, ranger (with potion drop), shade, pyromancer would be a nice combo too
Judge Lazar 12. dec. 2018 kl. 14:22 
Only attempted it once but I feel like as much ranged weapons which have no ammo or can easilly replenish ammo. Anything that heals directly or buffs heals. Definitely boss killing gear, big wide sweep high damage weapons for hordes. Something to deal with hook rats QUICKLY.

Ranger veteran is probably gonna be the MVP . Apply pressure + Hardy heart + catch a breath + hand of Shaliya = heal the entire party with one medpack. Not to mention 10% chance to dupe meds 35% chance to dupe bombs and pots, free ammo, free bombs, free pots. Can bring an extra shield for off tanking, Crossbow for sniping. Harder to kill when punced or grabbed.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like you would have to completely insane to NOT bring RV.
Bones 12. dec. 2018 kl. 14:29 
Our team was Zealot, WS, Ranger and FK. I'd imagine there are far more optimal setups.
Ostrava of Boletaria 12. dec. 2018 kl. 15:38 
Ranger Veteran is basically mandatory - run pots on special kill.

Shade is very helpful for anti-elites and anti-boss - try to funnel conc pots to your shade for mass elite and boss killing.

Mercenary is very helpful as he can essentially function as a medic, supplying large amounts of temp hp to the group - I recommend reduced cooldown on level 25 talent as the CC will likely be more valuable to you than extra hp (as it cc's things, revive on ability is only really pertinent if a teammate derps and downs in globadier poison or something)

In my attempts I usually have a saltzpyre as the 4th - WHC is great for extra temp hp on special kill, 20% more damage on tagging and high ammo sustain for scrounger BoP setups (they shred bosses btw so it's kind of like having a bootleg shade with support on team) due to all the crit bonuses, zealot is, well, zealot so he generally just murders everything and almost certainly won't down unless he gets grabbed by a special and team can't save him.

Hope this helps.
TheSilverRaven 12. dec. 2018 kl. 23:29 
Pick four.

Ranger Veteran with potions on special kills for Bardin. Either with a crossbow and +20 Armor +20 Skaven to OHKO stormvermin or a grudgeraker with bonus damage against berserkers.
Shade to kill bosses quickly or OHKO chaos warriors as needed.
Either WHC for tag damage and staggering elites through his ult or BH for essentially infinite ammo and Chaos Warrior OHKO. Crossbow with Stormvermin OHKO breakpoints ideal.
Either Merc for staggering elites and backup health or Hunstman for essentially infinite ammo and quick boss kill. Give Merc a blunderbuss with berserker damage or hunstman a longbow.
Pyromancer to deal with specials quickly.

RV is probably the single most useful thanks to his passive potion drops and pairs amazingly with either Shade or Hunstman. The last two slots are a little more flexible.
Robin 13. dec. 2018 kl. 0:22 
The Fatshark team that beat it used WHC for team burst damage, slayer for armour control and kiting, shade for boss bursting (and chaos warrior killing) and fireball unchained for overall sustain and dealing with zerkers/monk waves.
Halvars 13. dec. 2018 kl. 1:16 
I'm thinking:
FootKnight with 2H Hammer and handgun
Ranger with 2H hammer and grudgeraker, gives pots on special kill, also gives ammo to team
Shade for killing bosses and CW
Unchained with Crowbill and Fireballstaff or Beamstaff

-FK will hold the horde, stop the heavy things with his charge and kill armor pretty fast and has handgun for sniping specials.

-Ranger will kill berzerkers and plague monk fast with gruderaker and supports FK with armor piercing and horde.

-Pots will drop from Rangers ability making Shade a boss killing machine and CW if need be.

-Unchained will also support against armor and have beam or fireball for horde/specials. Beam probably will work better.
Sidst redigeret af Halvars; 13. dec. 2018 kl. 1:17
Voodoo 13. dec. 2018 kl. 1:52 
i would go with
4)bounty hunter
Scout 13. dec. 2018 kl. 2:16 
Oprindeligt skrevet af Robin:
The Fatshark team that beat it used WHC for team burst damage, slayer for armour control and kiting, shade for boss bursting (and chaos warrior killing) and fireball unchained for overall sustain and dealing with zerkers/monk waves.
Even if fatshark team can do it guys you dont need any setups LUL.(no offence)
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Dato opslået: 12. dec. 2018 kl. 11:01
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