Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter

Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter

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Robert Dec 22, 2016 @ 12:06pm
Build 285367 - public beta
Build 285367 for Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter is now available in beta "publicbeta", which does not require a password.

Here are the changes:

- Trackpad locomotion now has analog control - if the thumb is closer to the center, the player moves slower.
- Added support for continuous and discrete rotation in VR.
- Added Trackpad Click To Move to game options menu.
- Besides the Menu, weapon wheel now also features Netricsa, Vote Yes/No, QuickLoad/QuickSave.
- Fixed weapons being unselectable in modes with infinite ammo.
- Implemented system to detect old broken saves and warn users about it. It will prevent crashes later in the play caused by loading broken saved.
- Fixed camera errors in cutscenes causing disorienting views and neverending cutscenes.
- Fixed HUD scaling errorneously outside of screen if supersampling is used (it was near impossible to see health/armor on supersampling>1).
- If you only had the left weapon equipped you had to use the right controller to fire with it, until you equipped the right weapon. Fixed.
- Improved Performance autodetection, for cases where single-pass VR rendering is used.

To install the beta, do this:
- locate the game in the Steam's "Library" panel
- right click and invoke "Properties"
- select the "Betas" tab
- choose "publicbeta"

NOTE: If you want to later change back from publicbeta to default, savegames may be lost! We test for forward upgrades, but not in the other direction.
Last edited by Robert; Dec 22, 2016 @ 12:50pm
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
PeteTheMeerkat Dec 22, 2016 @ 12:55pm 
Rotation works perfectly, great to see lots of different options (lots of differing views on rotation on another thread). Have tried all of them, no problem with motion sickness (although obviously some options will affect some people more than others). Makes a huge difference to the gameplay. Thanks Guys !
SlashAndBurn Dec 22, 2016 @ 12:57pm 
Great, i'll have to try it out later tonight :steamhappy:
AlenL Dec 22, 2016 @ 1:08pm 
Excellent, thanks for the fast feedback rsgill. Please let us know if you find any regression problems. This one has so many changes that we were not comfortable pushing it to everyone. If it is stable enough, we will push it out tomorrow.
Mane Vr Dec 22, 2016 @ 2:00pm 
Nice as soon as i finish with my clients i will be rushing home to check this out
PeteTheMeerkat Dec 22, 2016 @ 2:18pm 
Dropping the rotation sensitivity down to around 0.35-0.40 seems to work really well for me. Have just finished trying all of the different options (you guys have really gone to town on this, which is great). Left hand / Right hand rotation, snap, continuous, sensitivity settings... if anyone moans, I'd think it'd be quite unfair to be honest (there will always be a few though). Really like the fact that the rotation control also allows forward and reverse movement, providing yet another option for movement control. Really impressed, now I just need to get my son off it, so I can have another go !
EvidencePlz Dec 22, 2016 @ 2:54pm hasn't even been a week since launch day and Croteam devs are already releasing boatloads of updates, fixes and content!

Croteam is best team! :steamhappy:
Mane Vr Dec 22, 2016 @ 10:19pm 
is there a away not to have forward be lock to the head or hand maybe be add care of like body this is messing me up i got in out to hand right now and got to remember not to move my left hand so when i push forward it goes sraight ahead. check out windlands with touch or even mincraft with touch got the control close to perfect that movepoint system makes it easy to loose my place and move to look is worse check this video you can see where i try to aim with the left hand which feels wierd to me i would change direction when i didn't mean to. also can we get more control over button binding i dislike where you guys pick for jump.. but beside those two things i'm a happy camper glad u using EA to refine all this help some of these can be helpful
AlenL Dec 22, 2016 @ 11:20pm 
Mane Vr, so if I understand, you would like that the forward movement is always in relation to the playspace area, regardless of where you are facing inside it? I suppose you'd use that in combination with smooth rotation?
bullno1 Dec 23, 2016 @ 1:00am 
Is the analog movement optional or is it forced? Can I switch back to binary movement?
AlenL Dec 23, 2016 @ 1:57am 
Default is teleporting. Everything else, you configure in the options. At the moment, some of the options are in Game Options, some are in Motion Sickness. Quite, confusing, I know, but we were in a hurry. :) We'll consolidate that into a special menu with all Vr movement settings.
rAwsome Dec 23, 2016 @ 4:54am 
NNiiice. had the issue that i could load a savegame, played, died, and crash on loading the same save again. hope this is now fixed. as it seemed to be a version incompatibility, i will try to restart the level to see if it solves it.
AlenL Dec 23, 2016 @ 5:14am 
Yes, that is correct. The new build in public beta should automatically warn you when you load an old save.
Mane Vr Dec 23, 2016 @ 6:55am 
Originally posted by AlenL:
Mane Vr, so if I understand, you would like that the forward movement is always in relation to the playspace area, regardless of where you are facing inside it? I suppose you'd use that in combination with smooth rotation?
Yes that is correct i play seated so when it lock to my look when i look to check my sides it swing in that direction but i didn't mean for it to
AlenL Dec 23, 2016 @ 12:41pm 
Ok, got it. Noted down. Makes sense... almost as if you are playing with a gamepad. :)
Mane Vr Dec 23, 2016 @ 1:23pm 
Originally posted by AlenL:
Ok, got it. Noted down. Makes sense... almost as if you are playing with a gamepad. :)
Yes but with freedom to aim with both hands. Thanks for the great work
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