Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Sol 19 iun. 2013 la 21:06
Why I don't play L4D2 anymore (whiny rant)
Now I am normally a pretty positive person, but some of this game's community is one of the worst I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with and leaves me a very bittered impression of the game as a whole. I know the absolute worst of the worst are the focus of this and, most likely, are not representative of the entire community. However, throughout the 20 some odd hours I've tried to play this game I have not been helped, supported or even welcomed into most games (don't get me wrong, most games are fairly uneventful with people dropping in and out so often that no drama occurs. This is mainly aimed at the "one guy" who just has to be an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and ♥♥♥♥ on everything he can".) It isn't even trash talk at some points, it is upset whining/crying that a team member underperformed (a.k.a scapegoating) when said community member loses the match. And yes I understand I am whining/crying about it, but at least I'm a self-aware hypocrite.

I'll be the first to admit that I am not the best player and that I can be, on occasion, somewhat bad in areas, but I am always learning from my mistakes and more than open to criticism. In fact, I welcome critiques from my peers. Especially those who are my senior because it helps me become a better player. However, there is criticism and then there is elitism. I can't actually improve under someone gloating about how they were off saving the day while I was being a bad player and ruining their good time.

So it sounds like the elitest and the new guy are both ruining eachother's fun; the only difference is that one is intentional and the other is something you can work your way out of (especially with the help of others). I haven't seen so much snobbery and outright snubbing of other player's in anyother game. In my humble (admittedly somewhat inexperienced) opinion, CoD has a more inviting community in some ways. I can say that with a straight face, as ridiculous as it is.

I've got a pretty thick skin and I can laugh at a lot of the outright elitist attitude, because it is all just insecure melodrama. But I didn't purchase L4D to laugh at people being ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I wanted to make friends and have a good time and I'm not going to put up with it. So, to the friendly/helpful players please keep doing your thing and maybe these elitest snobs will run out of steam.

p.s. Shut the ♥♥♥♥ up and train.
< >
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bruh. 19 iun. 2013 la 21:32 
You're right. It was whiny.
Kid 19 iun. 2013 la 22:06 
Unfortunately, the elitism will never change. I've seen so many people get immediately votekicked instead of being told their mistakes. A newb can't have versus experience without playing versus no matter how much he plays single player or campaign and it's not stated anywhere by Valve that a beginner is not allowed to play versus. In my opinion, people who rage or cry about beginners are worse than the beginners. I'm not saying I'm a pro, but I'm pretty decent and I don't complain at all if I get put on a noob team. But of course elitists are gonna elitists...you'll see right here in this topic lol
I think your skin is not so thick as you believe. I am also not the best player and I only play campaign. There are a few really important things to hold in mind (campaign, versus you are kicked if you have not friends with you or make a mistake):

- stay ever with the group
- try to avoid friendly fire
- try to find your position in the group that you can integrate and react in a good way
- as a newbie watch the others and try to stay in the mid of the group. Don't make the big leader, don't stay miles behind

and most important:
- if you do this and the people in the group treat you bad -> leave the campaign and try another ;)

There are very nice people and there are some people you don't want to meet in real life. I saw many times experienced players helping newbies with much effort.

I don't know how many hours you have played, but stay with the game, it's cool. And don't take it serious if people troll you, just change to another campaign. I think it is worser in light and hard difficulty. If you become a good medium-advanced player, there are lots of nice people and the game makes really much fun.

Of course at the moment there are many nice people who go out in the sun (go to the beach, have sex with girls, make outdoor activities; really strange behaviour if you can instead play L4D) and are not playing much. So the percentage of people who are a bit strange is slightly higher as normal..... ;)

..... edit: I see now you played 30 hours and your profile says "Shut the ♥♥♥♥ up and train".
hm..... yes, it is whiny.
Editat ultima dată de Chill°bucket; 20 iun. 2013 la 0:49
Whiny rant = Whiny.......but you`ll get there dude :)
Nelekar 20 iun. 2013 la 6:11 
I agree with Leion. More often than not, people don't even try to make the game a good experience. It gets annoying how there's always a person that speaks a language only he understands, and gets very mad for small matters and starts cursing in broken English in all-caps. I'm sure 80%+ of the people who shove smokers/jockeys etc off you only do it so they have better chances to finish the match successfully. A well-tempered nice teammate is incredibly hard to find and I've had the luck of finding only 2 such people in my 21 hours of playtime.
Tomato 20 iun. 2013 la 11:15 
I agree also with leion you cant master a game by playing once even the elite needed a few hours of gameplay to come unharmed out of a level, I rather play with people that really enjoy discovering a level even under the pressure how it gets rather then the GO-GETTERS trying to score the saferoom like their the best of the best. One thing I noticed with L4D2 the really REALLY good elite's never say something or complain they help if they can and finish the game if its needed to.
tim w 20 iun. 2013 la 11:16 
Yes if you have some one on your team offering advice or telling you what to do and you do not the team has a right to kick you as you have the right to play as you wish.

Ex: being smoked and your standing next to me and you try to shot me down and not shove after Im telling you to shove then reload and try shooting again.... Im going to invoke my right to kick.

Just dont be an idiot.
Tomato 20 iun. 2013 la 11:32 
@Hank Hill , Please give me a break thats not gaming thats demanding something of another player peroid!. There is no personal circle space within the game field for each player , if steam wanted that in the game they would have. That kind of thinking your conveying makes this game reasonable bad playing expirience for those just discovering it. Guess what try to discover your hidden potential of being a good team player even if the other is so bad this game is an online test if you can handle that without eating your mouse.
R 20 iun. 2013 la 11:57 
This place is so polite compared to League of Legends. They barely affect me though I am usually on the top of the charts probably due to having played many hours outside of Steam.

Don't hope to not be trolled by getting better. That is basically playing for other people. Just mute them and keep going - if they spam vote kick just play in a more mannered group. It isn't a big deal.

I do admit, I stopped playing when my regular friends stopped. I wouldn't play this without at least one other friend.
Albireos 20 iun. 2013 la 11:59 
yeah left 4 dead is hard.
Sol 20 iun. 2013 la 14:04 
Postat inițial de strelok:
I think your skin is not so thick as you believe.

There is a significant difference to having a thick skin, and tolerating bull... I have 0 tolerance and too much self-respect to continue subjecting myself to that. The game is not fun to me, period. The bad outweighs all positives in my opinion. I appreciate your insight on the matter, but I am not convinced. Besides, summer is time for the beach/gym/river/camping and videogames only in the evening.
At least I owned up to being whiny.

Also "shut the ♥♥♥♥ up and train" is in reference to physical activity, not relaxing playing a videogame. I.E. whining about running being too hard is not proportional/relatable to enjoying the company of some friends.

Thank you for your comments.
Sol 20 iun. 2013 la 14:11 
Postat inițial de Tomato:
@Hank Hill , Please give me a break thats not gaming thats demanding something of another player peroid!.

I can understand not coming up to par with the rest of the team creates a significant dilemma. It's like anything in real life (but with diminuitive consequences in comparison cause it's just a videogame), whether in the workforce or out on the football field. If you aren't up to task and are not performing at least equal to the lowest player than you are a detriment.

That being said though, most jobs or sports give you room to grow and allow you practice or training. This community tends to be very unforgiving and remorseful towards the FNG. Being in a casual environment like a videogame does not warrant such blatant animosity. Plain and simple.
Postat inițial de Leion:
Postat inițial de strelok:
I think your skin is not so thick as you believe.

There is a significant difference to having a thick skin, and tolerating bull... I have 0 tolerance and too much self-respect to continue subjecting myself to that. The game is not fun to me, period. .

Well... if you don't like a game then don't play it. Where's the problem? Thought you needed just a hug .... I don't get the sense of your post, perhaps cause I am no native speaker. I can only say that in 1200 hours playtime I met many nice guys. If you think the community is bad and the game makes no fun.. well.. don't play it. Hm... (headshaking)....
Tomato 21 iun. 2013 la 10:49 
Postat inițial de strelok:
Postat inițial de Leion:

There is a significant difference to having a thick skin, and tolerating bull... I have 0 tolerance and too much self-respect to continue subjecting myself to that. The game is not fun to me, period. .

Well... if you don't like a game then don't play it. Where's the problem? Thought you needed just a hug .... I don't get the sense of your post, perhaps cause I am no native speaker. I can only say that in 1200 hours playtime I met many nice guys. If you think the community is bad and the game makes no fun.. well.. don't play it. Hm... (headshaking)....

People payed good money for a game not to be played at all. L4D community is picky at times you have to get lucky to play with nice gaming people.
Okay, bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, i just cleaned the blood off it from the last little kid that left with a fuss.
< >
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Data postării: 19 iun. 2013 la 21:06
Postări: 38