Left 4 Dead 2
Valve's decision not to concentrate on producing L4D3 is a massive mistake?
I don't know who's in charge of Valve, but their inablity to see the bigger picture is staggering. L4D was huge, it was by far the most popular game amongst my friends. Its gaming community was vast and spread worldwide (the Japanese L4D "cos-play" on deviant.art is one example that springs to mind). Everytime Valve posted a L4D article anywhere (on FB or on Steam) - the question was always asked by multiple people: When is L4D3 being released?

Yet the head honcho's at Valve have single handidly managed to kill this great franchise with their inability to knock-up another title (or even an expansion).

I used to have 100+ friends who regualarly used to play- now hardly any of them even use Steam. The inability to act by Valve's producers is as amazing as it is confusing. I know tons of game's designers that would kill to have a cash-cow like the L4D frachise. I don't know if Valve/Steam have share-holders, but if they do they should be asking some serious questions about who's running Valve and what exactly their plans for the future are....

-Was it the flop that was the 'Cold Stream' "beta" that swayed the developers decision? I hope not: Cold-Stream was set in broad-daylight- completely different dynamics from the original L4D (surely they know about the MDA framework?!).

Misguided rant or the glaringly obvious truth? -time will tell one way or the other...
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 32 ความเห็น
I picked up Left 4 Dead 2 this past summer, and still play it regularly. Such a good game.. I'm blown away that there's no Left 4 Dead 3 coming out or, well, seemingly nothing at all. Does Valve not make games anymore or what?
They're announcing L4D3 with HF3/EP3, going to be sold as a pack, massive TF2 update comes with it.

It was announced a couple days ago, surprised this isn't all over the forums.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Brazilian Fruity Pebbles:
They're announcing L4D3 with HF3/EP3, going to be sold as a pack, massive TF2 update comes with it.

It was announced a couple days ago, surprised this isn't all over the forums.

Holy crap what they want for it? 200 USD?
If Valve was to throw out another Left 4 Dead, what would it be? We've already had a war vet, a badass biker dude, a college teen, an IT manager whatever-he-is, a gambler, a yokel, a fat football coach, and a television producer. Who would the new Survivors be? Dear god do not say the Midnight Riders. I do not want to have to play as one of them. What would the new Infected be? It seems like almost every non-oddly specific niche has been filled. Where would it be set? What would the plot be? What new weapons/game mechanics would there be?

Honestly, I want to see Half-Life 3/2 Ep. 3 before a Left 4 Dead 3. And since Valve has dropped the Workshop bomb on us, I think they're going to sit on new Left 4 Dead developments. I'm rather glad for that. Gives the modding newbies time to play, and it means we still get a steady flow of user content. If they hashed out Left 4 Deads like they hash out new Call of Duties, L4D would be a dying and hated franchise. I really don't like saying this, because they're really bad about it, but give Valve some time, and let them figure out if a 3rd installment is viable. I also hear there's a new game engine in the works, so they'll have to iron that out first.

Done counter-ranting. Counter-counter-rants anyone?
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย DAM187TOP:
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Brazilian Fruity Pebbles:
They're announcing L4D3 with HF3/EP3, going to be sold as a pack, massive TF2 update comes with it.

It was announced a couple days ago, surprised this isn't all over the forums.

Holy crap what they want for it? 200 USD?
It's fake.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Those Dirty Blues:
If Valve was to throw out another Left 4 Dead, what would it be? We've already had a war vet, a badass biker dude, a college teen, an IT manager whatever-he-is, a gambler, a yokel, a fat football coach, and a television producer. Who would the new Survivors be? Dear god do not say the Midnight Riders. I do not want to have to play as one of them. What would the new Infected be? It seems like almost every non-oddly specific niche has been filled. Where would it be set? What would the plot be? What new weapons/game mechanics would there be?

Honestly, I want to see Half-Life 3/2 Ep. 3 before a Left 4 Dead 3. And since Valve has dropped the Workshop bomb on us, I think they're going to sit on new Left 4 Dead developments. I'm rather glad for that. Gives the modding newbies time to play, and it means we still get a steady flow of user content. If they hashed out Left 4 Deads like they hash out new Call of Duties, L4D would be a dying and hated franchise. I really don't like saying this, because they're really bad about it, but give Valve some time, and let them figure out if a 3rd installment is viable. I also hear there's a new game engine in the works, so they'll have to iron that out first.

Done counter-ranting. Counter-counter-rants anyone?
Cave Jonhson here. You know how everyone say "OOH Valve can't count to three." Well we here at Aperture have found a way to break the space-time thingy-ma-whats-it, and in the process we found a loophole. We call it "The Orange Box 2". It contains every game those procrastinators have been planning to make since the wheel first got blown up. Half-life 3? We got you covered. Portal 3? Same there. Left 4 Dead 3? You guessed it. Team Fortress 3? Why the hell are you still asking me questions? Catherine! Pass me some neurotoxins. Cave Jonhson we're done here. Pre-order now and get a tuft of Gabe's beard, and a full bottle of deadly non-deadly neurotoxin toxin.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Coma Cabana; 5 มี.ค. 2013 @ 1: 59pm
JC- Valve doesn't have any management?! -and they seem proud of this as well... it all becomes clear, everything fits into place... ...the lights arn't on because quite literally nobodies home... -jawfloor
Orange Box 2

Half Life 2
Portal 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Team Fortress 2

Orange Box 3

Half Life 3
Portal 3
Left 4 Dead 3
Team Fortress 3

i think they will probs announce Orange Box 2 soon then save Orange Box 3 for exclusively for Steam and Steam Box no PS4/XBOX 8/WII-U crap!
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย csta:
Orange Box 2

Half Life 2
Portal 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Team Fortress 2

Orange Box 3

Half Life 3
Portal 3
Left 4 Dead 3
Team Fortress 3

i think they will probs announce Orange Box 2 soon then save Orange Box 3 for exclusively for Steam and Steam Box no PS4/XBOX 8/WII-U crap!
The Orange Box 1 game list:
Half-Life 2 /w Ep 1 & 2
Team Fortress 2

The Orange Box 2 game list:
Half-Life 3
Portal 3
Team Fortress 3
Black Mesa:Source
Left 4 Dead 3

DO YOUR RESEARCH, and don't hate on consoles. Not everyone can own a 12 hundred dollar computer like us.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Coma Cabana; 7 มี.ค. 2013 @ 2: 08pm
This is Valve we're talking about - they'll develop it in secret, add a secret link on some secret page two days before it's released and wait for the internet to implode. That's just how they roll.
More or less [Sco]Copper is right... this is Valve.... we wont know jack then March 5th "Did you heard what leaked of Valve words bout HL3, then March 6th "Valve placed new HL3 page with only few small texts talking bout some lore"m March 9th "Servers all over net overloaded as Valve announced date for Half Life 3"
That is how it will be more less... we wont know anything until they are almost out in..
Or just one day we will see on steam HL3 in our lists :P
Patience. Valve will have something for us this year or next. Soon after DOTA's official release.
Gabe Newel: "Didnt I told you boring newspaper guys last year, that Dota2 is on the road and that it will be offical next week"
make more special infected for l4d3 and make them meet l4d2 finaly have the l4d2 ending
Valve is a broken company. Letting all their franchises die, in favor of the terrible dota and freaking steam trading cards. Such a good company once, now just a running joke.

If they did have stockholders, and if i had enough shares I would have motioned for a vote of no confidence against newell a long time ago.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Spacecataz; 18 พ.ค. 2013 @ 12: 47pm
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 32 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 4 มี.ค. 2013 @ 5: 05pm
โพสต์: 32