Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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why do i keep getting kicked
UPDATE 4/14/14: Please read this. Getting kicked is no longer a problem, so please don't post anymore reasons why.
i keep getting kicked from servers but im not doing anything wrong. whaddupwitdat?
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Smoking_Hot_BBQ; 14.4.2014 klo 16.19
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might be some addons that you dont have thatt they do.
no i mean people are booting me
Spot is reserved for friend(s), they want their friend(s) to join.
You're playing poorly or you're dragging down the team
They just don't like you or they think you're a troll or just annoying.

Well that's most of the reasons.
bear 19.2.2013 klo 20.27 
You have 3.3hrs
You've never completed a campaign

And yet you're trying to play versus

The answer is dur.
ρυŕε ≛ lähetti viestin:
Spot is reserved for friend(s), they want their friend(s) to join.
You're playing poorly or you're dragging down the team
They just don't like you or they think you're a troll or just annoying.

Well that's most of the reasons.
probal answers
and because its the worst community of player a never see, even in campaign you always fall on annoying player (like i play too much so now i just pi*ss off random people on internet)
Viimeisin muokkaaja on DirtyHoeTel; 19.2.2013 klo 21.16
CLIVEBEAROWENS lähetti viestin:
You have 3.3hrs
You've never completed a campaign

And yet you're trying to play versus

The answer is dur.


Pootis - you are a full noob. You have never eaten pain pills. You have only thrown 1 grenade, a pipe bomb that hit nothing. You have 0 achievments at all.

Practise single player, practise with friends, kill more than 140 zombies per hour. Then try playing with others.

DirtyHoeTel lähetti viestin:
and because its the worst community of player a never see

I fully agree with this but come on Pootis, there are noobs and there are full noobs like yourself.
beEZ (Porttikiellossa) 20.2.2013 klo 9.30 
You are either a bad troll or a complete idiot if you need explanation of why you get kicked. You don't even know what the game is about and its goal, how the mechanics work, what can you or are supposed to do. What do you even expect?
Yeah spend some time on single player to get your feet wet, get to know the game. And then return to the public servers and show us your zombie-killing prowess!
One very good reason would be that little or immature kids get online with friends randomly booting people. I don't know that's what happens to me when I play on Xbox. I hear lots of squeakers on the other line and then after a few moments I get informed that I got kicked. Not so sure about PC gamers booting other players randomly. But yeah, if your slowing the team or is not giving an effort you can get voted out of the game. But mostly in Xbox it's little snot nosed idiots getting kicks off from booting players. Better yet I boot them before they boot me.
"You are either a bad troll or a complete idiot" -ah yeah words I quoted from a troll that has no intellect.

to OP-rude people who play this game is why you get kicked. Those people usually think they have skills but obviously don't if they can't adept & adapt their skills randomly.
The game does not have a matchmacking system. Therefor, complete "lost-5-year-old"-chickens are being thrown into the same game as 3000 hour-veterans.... resulting in a quick boot. A chain is not stronger than it's weakest link, so in this co-op game = kick the weakest link. Simple. Practise or write to Valve and demand a matchmaking system.
Bikes 20.2.2013 klo 14.45 
DAM187TOP lähetti viestin:
"You are either a bad troll or a complete idiot" -ah yeah words I quoted from a troll that has no intellect.

to OP-rude people who play this game is why you get kicked. Those people usually think they have skills but obviously don't if they can't adept & adapt their skills randomly.

You can't adapt to a bad player on your team, at least not well. It's like being told to adapt to having your leg shot right before you have to race, sure you can do it but you sure has hell ain't going to do it well.
what about your ping it might be too high i got kicked for that you crap internet conection :)
Ok I didn't expect people to be so mean about it, but thanks for all the Help. I'll play more single player from now on. I just like playing as the infected more.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 19.2.2013 klo 20.13
Viestejä: 242