Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Statistiken ansehen:
reasonless banns
in many occaisions, someone else messes up, and blaims someone else (useually i seem to get blaimed) and they kick whoever is blaimed imediatly, or i will get puked on and cant see and walk the wrong way for a few seconds, so they say that i suck and kick me, this game is filled with asshats
< >
Beiträge 115 von 17
Oh look. Yet ANOTHER thread about people complaining about the vote kick system in this game. Sarcasm aside.... just forgive & forget. So what if you get kicked from a game or 2? Look forward & stay positive for the next game.
Oh look.Another guy clicking on the discussions that people make instead of ignoring them
SMASH 12. Mai 2013 um 3:02 
santuckcasper1, you were running the wrong way because you have 6.6hrs gametime and don't know the maps. Many players including myself have shown the common decency of leaning the maps in campaign mode first. Only then would we dream of subjecting teamates to our noobery. You were kicked and rightly so.
Please practice campaign u noob untill the boomer no longer confuses ur direction. GG
hi game l4d2
????? add.. friend
too many grammatical mistakes. At least spell blamed correctly or people who suffer from OCD will hate you
you know, i have been kicked for no reason. but then i join again and nobody gives a ♥♥♥♥.
Never forgive, never forget. Play the game alone, or host your own local server. Or be an absolute beast and the only reason your team survives, and play on expert. Only ways not to get kicked nowadays.
Bikes 12. Mai 2013 um 9:30 
Stop playing Vs with 6 hours played, you're not going to be any good no matter how well you may think you're doing. You don't even have any of the achievements for doing a full campaign yet >_>
Cherry 12. Mai 2013 um 10:44 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Bikes:
Stop playing Vs with 6 hours played, you're not going to be any good no matter how well you may think you're doing. You don't even have any of the achievements for doing a full campaign yet >_>
mugi 13. Mai 2013 um 2:17 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von gildarts:
team up with someone new and play any mode u want noone cant stop u if u have enought friends on ur side :p

L4D2 is doomed. Oh wait, what's new?
Casper 13. Mai 2013 um 15:19 
you know what, im not even gonna grace this with an argument on your statments, because some of these are either helpfull saying just forget it and go to another, but most are just insulting trying to get some type of response, but guess what I DONT CARE ABOUT IF YOU THINK IM A NOOB OR NOT, i just got pissed off when that guy messed up and blamed me and they kicked me without even thinking, so i really dont care what yall say, and i will keep playing whatever mode i want to, this game is made for fun, i have fun playing versus, so i will keep playing it, and i regret making this dicussion because i forgot that the people who play this game are the ones who will be reading this
Casper 13. Mai 2013 um 15:20 
this is the last you will hear from me in this discussion
You are a noob, so how do you know you are making the correct decisions? The same decisions you were kicked for? That's correct, you don't.
Bikes 13. Mai 2013 um 19:14 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von santuckcasper1:
you know what, im not even gonna grace this with an argument on your statments, because some of these are either helpfull saying just forget it and go to another, but most are just insulting trying to get some type of response, but guess what I DONT CARE ABOUT IF YOU THINK IM A NOOB OR NOT, i just got pissed off when that guy messed up and blamed me and they kicked me without even thinking, so i really dont care what yall say, and i will keep playing whatever mode i want to, this game is made for fun, i have fun playing versus, so i will keep playing it, and i regret making this dicussion because i forgot that the people who play this game are the ones who will be reading this

You can play whatever game mode you want, but don't expect people to tolerate you when you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ their game up. You can act like the people kicking you are mean jerks, but odds are you're just screwing over a game for people that just want to have a reasonably competitive match. And the fact that you refuse to play campaign first just makes you a entitled ♥♥♥♥ that has no place in this game, it's far too team oriented for people to just do as they please. And as Space pointed out, you probably don't even realize that you're the one screwing the team over.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von santuckcasper1:
you know what, im not even gonna grace this with an argument on your statments, because some of these are either helpfull saying just forget it and go to another, but most are just insulting trying to get some type of response, but guess what I DONT CARE ABOUT IF YOU THINK IM A NOOB OR NOT, i just got pissed off when that guy messed up and blamed me and they kicked me without even thinking, so i really dont care what yall say, and i will keep playing whatever mode i want to, this game is made for fun, i have fun playing versus, so i will keep playing it, and i regret making this dicussion because i forgot that the people who play this game are the ones who will be reading this

uhuh. Well then. You've been told why you get kicked but you don't care to take the advice given. So be prepared to be kicked endlessly. I'd give you my own advice on how to play and with whom but you don't care.
< >
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Geschrieben am: 11. Mai 2013 um 23:05
Beiträge: 17