Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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ElRoggo 2014년 1월 12일 오후 3시 57분
Name changing mod issue
I downloaded some mods from the workshop, namely the Duke Nukem replacement for Coach, Lilith replacement for Rochelle, Leon for Ellis and Deadpool for Nick. Now, I don't know about the last 2, but Lilith and Duke mods should change the in game names of Rochelle and Coach to Lilith and Duke, respectively, but they don't, they continue to appear in-game as Rochelle and Coach. Could anyone give me a hand here? D: Thanks in advance!
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6개 댓글 중 1-6개 표시
Really?? this topic is in really?? You Not read the notes of the mod? just change the appearence of the character the name is the same by default.... because who join in the game, replacement the name of the bot (Nick, Rochelle, Ellis, Coach) for the User ID or Gamer-tag of the player... And Not can change.. -_-
ElRoggo 2014년 1월 12일 오후 4시 16분 
The last 2 mods are supposed to change the AI names. I know that for a fact because I had the Duke one work before. The Lilith one never worked (and it is supposed to change the bot's name, check it on the workshop, if you want). Conflicting closecaption files sounds like it is the issue, but neither of them is loading.
Stark Raven 2014년 1월 12일 오후 4시 48분 
There's a script file included in each of these addons that changes the names. This script file, as far as I know, has to include all of the names for the survivors. For instance, one will have "Duke Nukem" for Coach and all of the other survivors will have default names. The other will have, say "Link" for Ellis and all of the others will be named as default.

These script files conflict directly with each other, meaning that all but the mod highest on the load order will cancel out. Unless you edit all the names in the script to match your characters, you can have only one re-name active at any time.
ElRoggo 2014년 1월 13일 오전 1시 32분 
Those Dirty Blues님이 먼저 게시:
There's a script file included in each of these addons that changes the names. This script file, as far as I know, has to include all of the names for the survivors. For instance, one will have "Duke Nukem" for Coach and all of the other survivors will have default names. The other will have, say "Link" for Ellis and all of the others will be named as default.

These script files conflict directly with each other, meaning that all but the mod highest on the load order will cancel out. Unless you edit all the names in the script to match your characters, you can have only one re-name active at any time.

Exactly, that's what I thought would happen. However, none of the files is loading, even if I turn one of the conflicting mods off, no closecaption_english.txt will load properly, for some reason, so I'm always stuck will all default names. :/
Stark Raven 2014년 1월 13일 오전 2시 28분 
That's confusing. Unless there's another mod that's conflicting with the closecaption_english.txt, I don't know why at least one of them wouldn't show.
Zazie Stockstill 2017년 1월 6일 오전 11시 07분 
i can partially answer the unknown confliction issue thing cuz i have to deal wit it a lot, say it might say that there is weapon so an so file conflicting but not specific to which one, it may say that but it tends to do this or watevr type file it say; but mass majority i havent any files of the sort or even related to weapons in general active or even there to begin with it is really stupidly like the imfamous microsoft office's spellcheck crap and wat is worse is most of the time it usually wont say anything in regards to the issue this includes consistency stuff by way im sorry but my best solution is for trial and error disable all then enable so many at one time then check if works fine, add others and so on and so forth sucks believe me quick easy test method i usually use for most stuff cept for map specific things like carousel, saferoom music, end music, original survivors cuz it only has new survivors there is one out there that has both but idk wat it is but if you all find out pls send link i would really appreciate it but the one im currently referring to is Sanbox, you also need a 2nd part of it for it to work but it has been VERY helpful hope this helps
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6개 댓글 중 1-6개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2014년 1월 12일 오후 3시 57분
게시글: 6