Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Dead 18 maja 2014 o 13:01
Left 4 dead 2 Aimbotters.
Sometimes i play l4d2 and i am about to smoke em or hump but they Just turn around i know this one guy i forgot his name always turns around and when he finished the level or so he had 95 health and he says its "skill" he even knows when we spawn cause everytime there is a charger that dosnt even SPAWN yet he jumps out. i think he aimbots. Any suggestions?
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Restless 18 maja 2014 o 13:15 
Just spectate them. Its usually blatantly obvious.


You can also report them via Steam and block them, or else wait for them to get VAC banned.
Dead 18 maja 2014 o 13:15 
Alright thanks

GC-X 18 maja 2014 o 14:12 
Just dont encourage unsecure servers.
Check VAC status. If it is disabled, find another game.
Tomhet 18 maja 2014 o 14:16 
Vaya vaya triboga
Squishymish 18 maja 2014 o 14:31 
Do be wary that good players will pick up on sound cues and be able to shoot you through walls and know where you are the second you spawn with the use of stereo sound. I would check the profile, if he has a past VAC on record you have reason to doubt, if he has high hours it is likely he has some skill.

Nothing is certain though unless it is blatent.
Gyntz 18 maja 2014 o 14:59 
dustin 18 maja 2014 o 17:27 
Would be much better if people making these claims had a demo recording at least.

Kiss 19 maja 2014 o 14:41 
Początkowo opublikowane przez The Glitch:
Snip about Valve endorsing hacking.
You really have to stop. We explained this to you in the thread where you claimed the same stuff, VAC is a fully automated Anti-cheat system with 0% human interaction. It is much easier to make hacks than it is to detect them using an anti-cheat system, thus, it takes time to push out updates that can detect the Heuristics.

We seriously need a dedicated admin to these forums to solely keep things like this off the forums.

Razerjack 19 maja 2014 o 18:26 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Kiss me ) ♡ watchl4d.com:
Początkowo opublikowane przez The Glitch:
Snip about Valve endorsing hacking.
You really have to stop. We explained this to you in the thread where you claimed the same stuff, VAC is a fully automated Anti-cheat system with 0% human interaction. It is much easier to make hacks than it is to detect them using an anti-cheat system, thus, it takes time to push out updates that can detect the Heuristics.

We seriously need a dedicated admin to these forums to solely keep things like this off the forums.

Your kidding me right all you have to is just add him too Ban list you don't need vac or any sophisticated software to manually Ban some one he is bang to rights cheating so simple.
It dont take a brain box to work that out.
it also seems that you dont care and want them to keep doing it ?
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Razerjack; 19 maja 2014 o 18:29
Dead 19 maja 2014 o 18:33 
I Always see one of them if i am hiding somewhere they always wait and they just come in bash me or someone and then melee us (exept chargers , or tanks)
Coconut Cream 19 maja 2014 o 19:10 
I think you're just jealous of their superior skill.
Razerjack 20 maja 2014 o 14:47 
Początkowo opublikowane przez dustin- L4D2 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on profile:
Would be much better if people making these claims had a demo recording at least.

there was lots of links to videos here but the thread seems has been doctored by admin another thing I will add to the interview with them.
Ostatnio edytowany przez: Razerjack; 20 maja 2014 o 14:48
Squishymish 20 maja 2014 o 15:16 
lol, I find this greatly amusing.
Dead 22 maja 2014 o 16:40 
I have no idea what are you trying to say bank...
Plus IVORK why are you coming into this discussion in the first place if you think it's "lack of skill"
< >
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Data napisania: 18 maja 2014 o 13:01
Posty: 52