Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Battle2525, RyanStarScott and Restless may be the best players this game has ever seen.
Because what they did, there should be an achievement four. They got the laggiest player on earth(me) across the bridge of The Parish. For one thing, I had huge framerate drop, and I mean HUGE. I have turned down all the graphical settings, plus in the launch commands I have turned the quality of several aspects(water, shadow detail) down as far as I can. Still, these are some of the problems I ran into. Extremely slowed down framerate made me run at the speed as if I was limping at all times. People ahead of me would typically warp 5 feet ahead of themselves at a time over and over again. Under this condition, there was no room for even the slightest error. Given I was roughly 1-3 seconds behind, a tiny recalibartion to the left or right to get around an obstacle? I fall off the bridge. Common? Absolutely nothing I could do if I let myself get surrounded. Would use Melee, but often times would hit common, hear the clang, and nothing would happen. Would often shoot or melee zombies rushing me only to have nothing happen, if I was lucky it would clear them off before I got hit. Even with a shot in me, I barely ran faster than average speed due to lag... And then there was the process. It took about 15-20 tries all together, it did not help that Common, specials and The Tank were all in love with me forever. I would frequently get hit by zombie with grabbing capability after another(Charger, then hunter, then smoker, then jockey, several times that happened.) Once, now this one ticks me off quite a bit, is when I got downed by a car when I quite literally did not get hit by one. You see the other three playing had the achievement I believe, they were jus trying to get me on that chopper, uncaring of themselves. The last time did not go particularly well either... I get to the bus. I had been properly instructed to not run over the bus as a normal player would(you see with the lag/framerate drop I was having, it simply took too long to get on the bus. I had to go straight down. Of course, this led to me getting surrounded by a bajillion horde that my melee weapon was of course, absolutely useless against. I get incapped. Luckily, I am playing with incredibly caring and generous players. I am got up by them, and we start proceeding toward the chopper. Miraculously, I actually get *close* to the chopper, but of course, I made one tiny little mistake, a tiny miscalibration and I jump off a fence with 1 hp and go down one more time. The players rush to save my butt, they get me up... I'm black and white... And then a miracle happens. I ACTUALLY SOMEHOW GOT ON THE CHOPPER. In fact, it was quite a happy ending if you ask me. We ALL got on the chopper that time, no sacrifices necessary. The point being however was... getting me across that bridge was... a chore. To put it lightly. EXTREMELY lightly. This leads me to believe that Battle2525, RyanStarScott and Restless are the best players of L4D2 on earth. There is simply no other explanation because they succeeded in the escort mission from hell.
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Battle2525 is a cool guy. real nice and good. but dude, you were told before.. break the paragraphs apart man.. XD
I can't read this stuff without paragraphs.
He just hasn't taken a breath yet probably because hes so ecstatic over finally crossing the damn bridge.

Breathe, dude, breathe!
Restless a écrit :
He just hasn't taken a breath yet probably because hes so ecstatic over finally crossing the damn bridge.

Breathe, dude, breathe!

Yeah... you can tell I hadn't taken a breath yet. "Because what they did, there should be an achievement four." LOL.
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Posté le 14 mars 2014 à 16h07
Messages : 4