

gatlingdog Oct 15, 2017 @ 8:52am
Dude are you kidding me?
You can be so profitable with this game. You already have a fan base, how dare you abandon such a good game? Games like this are rare and hard to find. There will be others that will come and copy your style and take any type of incentive that could have been you. You could have probably bought a house by now with the support you would get. This is not cool.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
daggasoft  [developer] Oct 24, 2017 @ 7:20am 
I haven't abandoned the game. First off it was summer time so I took a break. It's really only been a few months since I put any new work into the game.

Video games take a lot of time to make and this one seriously makes me no significant money. Like, shockingly little revenue compared to how many hours of work needs to be put into it. The uptake on this game was exceptionally poor. I will continue to work on this game, when it fits into my schedule and priorities. But as a single developer shop I seriously need to pay my bills first.

If you have any magic secret on how I can suddenly get 10's of 1000's of users I'd be happy to know it.

So once again I haven't abandoned this game, there is new, unpublished work for this game. If another studio has the capacity and the budget to come in and do a better take on this style of game, best luck to them.
[HelixxVR] Flag Jun 23, 2018 @ 12:22am 
I understand that the last comment in this thread is from October 2017 but I still find the excuses made to be in bad taste. There are tons of indie devs with little or no money who have families and bills to pay all the while making little to nothing off thier games and yet they still continue to push forward.

Did you really expect 1000s of sales from an EA tech demo? This title would have made you much more money had you continued to support it. You chose to ignore your customers and then after months of silence you give us nothing but a sob story and excuses.

You claim you have created more content, but then go on to say it hasn't been published - WHY? Why has this not been put into an update? Why haven't you tried to keep confidence in your title alive by giving your customer base even a small update of what you currently have?

As far as I can tell - regardless of your words - this title is dead and abandoned. By the time you get your head straight and decide to do something more with it (which I highly doubt will ever happen) this game will be behind the times.

I spend 9 hours + 5 days a week at my day job and then 5-8 hours a day 7 days a week working on my youtube channel and still make time for friends and family. If I took a 3 month vacation from the channel leaving comments and questions unanswered I would come back to an empty channel no one watched.

I suggest you be honest with the playerbase and put on your main store page that your game is incomplete and developement has been halted indefinitely. It is not fair to take peoples money for something that you do not currently support.

I looked forward to reviewing this title because it was turning out to be really good. Now I look forward to reviewing it and warning against purchasing. I will give you one month from the time of this post to take a step in the right direction before doing such.

If funding is what you need to continue - there are several ways of achieving that. You can find my contact details in the about sections of my youtube channel at

Our main goal is to promote VR and help Indie developers.
CrazyManOPS Jun 23, 2018 @ 3:27am 
He just dont want to say that he abandon his game,, if he really want to keep it going its always find the ways..Too bad for that game is really cool and unique..
Last edited by CrazyManOPS; Jun 23, 2018 @ 5:23am
[HelixxVR] Flag Jun 23, 2018 @ 4:54am 
I agree
Wotan Jun 29, 2018 @ 3:02pm 
Yep is Abandoned and we can't do a ♥♥♥♥, I want a refund or at least that Steam take it away and give back our money or something.... this guy is a thief!
[HelixxVR] Flag Jun 29, 2018 @ 6:52pm 
I wouldn't go so far as to call him a thief. I'm 100% certain that there was no intention to abandon the game when he started this endeavor. I believe the issue is just like anything else. His passion was not in making a game, but in making quick money off the VR market. When the money didn't come the way he had it in his mind - his motivation diminished along with it. This mentality is quite common in every market from Youtube, twitch streamer and indie developers, musicians, artists etc... Tons of people who think that they can make it to the bigtime in a field they have some familiarty or talent for, but do not necessarily enjoy that field in the form of a hobby. They genuinely put in the hard work and labor in the hopes that they will turn a profit quickly, but bail out or lose interest the moment they do not see their dream happening in the time they expect.

A thief would be one who intended to abandon the project upon receiving money and making a clear profit for his minimal efforts. This title is clearly not made up of minimalistic efforts. I can guarantee this developer lost money on this project in the way of assets and time compared to how many copies he sold...

Just a shame that he hasn't passed this projects source files onto someone who has the ability and the means to see it through.
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