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Athetos Aug 12, 2019 @ 12:55am
Yup Cassandra is broken.
I have ignored all the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ posts when it comes to new characters, but after testing Cassandra's most basic attacks against Siegfried, Misturugi and Zasalamel. She has advantage on all but Zas. Seriously how are you supposed to punish someone who is incredibly fast and mix ups on all of her moves and the most basic of hits sends you into uncontrollable spin. 2B may have been a pain, but at least it was based around the same set ups with proper punish windows. Lets take mitsu for example. If her attacks don't push him out of the way on block, then they make her so positive that a 3A just cant get through. Now maybe there are holes in her string, but we can't tell that, because for some reason Project Soul refused to give us the frame data.

I am aware of her bugged string that people love to use online, but even at her most basic, she breaks the flow of the like I have never seen before.
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
Mavi Aug 12, 2019 @ 1:04am 
Originally posted by Rahuzero:
Now maybe there are holes in her string, but we can't tell that, because for some reason Project Soul refused to give us the frame data.

Sure, and we don't have a training mode to test things like that or a friend to play with and tinker. Makes perfect sense. It's clearly Project Soul's fault. Hahaha!

Also, she's not the only fast character in game. She's a rushdown style character now and she can be countered very easily by her sister for example. Also guard impact stops her aggressive style pretty fast if you're using it.
Athetos Aug 12, 2019 @ 1:13am 
Training mode is what I was using. There other fast characters, but to compensate they are very punishable on block. Cassandra is not. Either her moves push you out of range or she is positive. GI is indeed useful, but also only a small factor in most fights. Unlike Seig or Zas you can't GI her mid string, creating the same neutral scenerio that you were in before. At this point it feels like PS is going the Riot route of releasing a character broken and then toning them down after feedback like 2B. I get that they want to the new DLC character to be appealing, but when you have people spamming the same safe combo over and over until they win, is not fun and no character should be made where that is a viable strategy.
Mavi Aug 12, 2019 @ 1:25am 
It's normal for a rushdown style character to not be that negative.

However, if you get pushed away you actually have an advantage as she has not a big range and when she tries to attack you again right away you may be able to punish that with a stronger B attack.

Also if you mean a B string people are repeating on you. You can just sidestep and punish it if people are doing the same thing over an over again. Also guard impact is very effective against anything that is done repeatedly.

As soon as someone is spamming and you're losing it's clearly your fault. There's no way anyone can do that to you in a way it's not punishable.
Last edited by Mavi; Aug 12, 2019 @ 1:25am
lolschrauber Aug 12, 2019 @ 3:22am 
I'm not good enough to Tell if she's broken or not but I really Do enjoy playing her.

Last one I played Was soul calibur 2 and I mostly played kilik, link and maxi there. I never liked her back then.
76561198967041665 Aug 12, 2019 @ 3:56am 
She's not broken. Learn the match-up.
Cerberus Aug 12, 2019 @ 9:25am 
This ♥♥♥♥ has happened with every new character since launch. And even regarding some of the main roster. This is just another case of the lazy player wanting to have wins handed to them with no effort put in on their part. Not one single character is unbeatable. Just like when we had people demanding they remove 2B - it will take time to learn the match up and she is faster than some of the current characters so guess what... You're programmed single attack plan that is most likely applied evenly to all matches will not work here. That doesn't mean Cass is broken. It means you either change your play a bit or go play something easier.

I have over 400 hours in as a casual player and likely 300+ is with Raphael. I have trouble with cass too but that is not because she is broken, it is because I got lazy and fell back on my typical go to strategy and that does not always work. That is how upsets happen and people walk away clueless as to why they lost.

Statistically it takes 10,000 hours to be considered an expert at anything. I highly doubt anyone has that time in against ONLY Cass. Put more time in and try to learn, whining about things that are not in fact broken just makes people look like spoiled babies.


And before anyone calls me out on it. Yes I am guilty of complaining too. 2B was a nightmare for me in the early days of her release, but as I am telling you and others to do I overcame it and learned to beat her. Don't mistake my irritation with a lack of understanding. It is perfectly fine to admit that you're not in a place that you can beat a character at this time. But that work "BROKEN" that is a word that is used and abused far too often.

Broken is a few months ago when I could watch Raphael's 6A go right through my opponent and not damage, no hit feedback, no nothing. That is an example of broken. Cass is another word - that is DIFFICULT. Gamers often confuse the two and then start calling out for nerfs and buffs when what is needed is a little patience and practice.
Last edited by Cerberus; Aug 12, 2019 @ 9:34am
Athetos Aug 12, 2019 @ 9:32am 
Originally posted by mcmannjm:
This ♥♥♥♥ has happened with every new character since launch. And even regarding some of the main roster. This is just another case of the lazy player wanting to have wins handed to them with no effort put in on their part. Not one single character is unbeatable. Just like when we had people demanding they remove 2B - it will take time to learn the match up and she is faster than some of the current characters so guess what... You're programmed single attack plan that is most likely applied evenly to all matches will not work here. That doesn't mean Cass is broken. It means you either change your play a bit or go play something easier.

I never said that she was unbeatable. Every time a new character has come out I spent a long time in training work shopping my mains with those characters. The issue is not that she is unbeatable, but that she is given so many advantages. Ones that even her sister does not have. The last time this occured was with Ivy and they nerfed her into the ground. You complain that people want a free win and that is true, but in the opposite direction. All these Cass mains are worried that there new waifu is going to get nerfed(she is) and flock to these posts in worry that PS might hear this feedback. You know that someone is broken when you see every Cass no matter that rank using the same combo over and over again, because it is safe and should they manage to get a hit in, you lose 1/3 of your health Sieg and Mitsu can't even do that unless its a Counter, Lethal or wall hit. Cass can do just by landing a low kick.
Cerberus Aug 12, 2019 @ 9:46am 
Originally posted by Rahuzero:
Originally posted by mcmannjm:
This ♥♥♥♥ has happened with every new character since launch. And even regarding some of the main roster. This is just another case of the lazy player wanting to have wins handed to them with no effort put in on their part. Not one single character is unbeatable. Just like when we had people demanding they remove 2B - it will take time to learn the match up and she is faster than some of the current characters so guess what... You're programmed single attack plan that is most likely applied evenly to all matches will not work here. That doesn't mean Cass is broken. It means you either change your play a bit or go play something easier.

I never said that she was unbeatable. Every time a new character has come out I spent a long time in training work shopping my mains with those characters. The issue is not that she is unbeatable, but that she is given so many advantages. Ones that even her sister does not have. The last time this occured was with Ivy and they nerfed her into the ground. You complain that people want a free win and that is true, but in the opposite direction. All these Cass mains are worried that there new waifu is going to get nerfed(she is) and flock to these posts in worry that PS might hear this feedback. You know that someone is broken when you see every Cass no matter that rank using the same combo over and over again, because it is safe and should they manage to get a hit in, you lose 1/3 of your health Sieg and Mitsu can't even do that unless its a Counter, Lethal or wall hit. Cass can do just by landing a low kick.

So your 'complaint' is based on an exploit. I would like to call in Sworn-Laughter on this one and refer to the many debates he and had on Raphael being broken or not. This is the same as that. There are players out there that will intentionally avoid that string due to it being unfair. And in the case of your problem there are players that will swear by it. I myself was among the former when it came to Raph and maintained fair playstyle.

This problem is not new. Xianghua had her one go to combo that was all but a promised win and 'ALL' players that used her did this constantly to the point that people demanded a nerf. Raph had his infinate stunlock that had to be addressed. Night and Sieg had the flapjack that had to be addressed. Ivy... Mina... Yoshi... You follow me so far? Give it time. A legitimate exploit will be corrected but the things in the Original Posting didn't elude to that. The words were "broken" and "Olny Zas has advantage". That is lack of familiarity not broken.
Athetos Aug 12, 2019 @ 10:16am 
Originally posted by mcmannjm:
So your 'complaint' is based on an exploit. I would like to call in Sworn-Laughter on this one and refer to the many debates he and had on Raphael being broken or not. This is the same as that. There are players out there that will intentionally avoid that string due to it being unfair. And in the case of your problem there are players that will swear by it. I myself was among the former when it came to Raph and maintained fair playstyle.

This problem is not new. Xianghua had her one go to combo that was all but a promised win and 'ALL' players that used her did this constantly to the point that people demanded a nerf. Raph had his infinate stunlock that had to be addressed. Night and Sieg had the flapjack that had to be addressed. Ivy... Mina... Yoshi... You follow me so far? Give it time. A legitimate exploit will be corrected but the things in the Original Posting didn't elude to that. The words were "broken" and "Olny Zas has advantage". That is lack of familiarity not broken.

That is exactly what broken means. That fact that she has an exploit makes her factually broken. Just like the Voldo gauge exploit. I have already stated that I know this is going to get fixed, but in the meantime, players ignoring it and saying she is perfectly fine are full of it. What I mean by Zas is that of the 3 characters I play, only he has a way to deal with this exploit. Setting the training dummy to spam that combo over and over, only he had a response that could deal with it.
Cerberus Aug 12, 2019 @ 10:25am 
Originally posted by Rahuzero:
Originally posted by mcmannjm:
So your 'complaint' is based on an exploit. I would like to call in Sworn-Laughter on this one and refer to the many debates he and had on Raphael being broken or not. This is the same as that. There are players out there that will intentionally avoid that string due to it being unfair. And in the case of your problem there are players that will swear by it. I myself was among the former when it came to Raph and maintained fair playstyle.

This problem is not new. Xianghua had her one go to combo that was all but a promised win and 'ALL' players that used her did this constantly to the point that people demanded a nerf. Raph had his infinate stunlock that had to be addressed. Night and Sieg had the flapjack that had to be addressed. Ivy... Mina... Yoshi... You follow me so far? Give it time. A legitimate exploit will be corrected but the things in the Original Posting didn't elude to that. The words were "broken" and "Olny Zas has advantage". That is lack of familiarity not broken.

That is exactly what broken means. That fact that she has an exploit makes her factually broken. Just like the Voldo gauge exploit. I have already stated that I know this is going to get fixed, but in the meantime, players ignoring it and saying she is perfectly fine are full of it. What I mean by Zas is that of the 3 characters I play, only he has a way to deal with this exploit. Setting the training dummy to spam that combo over and over, only he had a response that could deal with it.

Then for that I would just focus your online play around him. I too found Zas effective against her. I am currently labbing Cervantes and having decent success. If that helps at all. But while the boom of cass players is happening I would take the safest bet and play with the character that gives you the best chance. I am brushing up on all of my off-main characters to find what will work best.

Again if it helps:
Nightmare - effective
I don't play Siegfried in this installment so I am no help there
Zas - you already know
Cervantes - fairly effective ( I have less than 10 hours time in with him in this installment)
Amy/Raph - Dead in the water, completely useless
Yoshi - I am decent with and had great success with
Voldo - Another one that I just dabble with >10hrs Marginal success
ShadowSplit Aug 12, 2019 @ 11:12am 
Regardless of whether Cassandra is broken or not, I still think some characters have clear advantage over others. It doesn't need to be by much, but still.
Cerberus Aug 12, 2019 @ 11:19am 
Originally posted by NorthWind:
Regardless of whether Cassandra is broken or not, I still think some characters have clear advantage over others. It doesn't need to be by much, but still.

That is a fact. That is why there are tiers in the roster. There are characters that were intentionally designed to be better or harder to beat than others. This is why there were so many people complaining about Tira and how bad she was in the beginning. She was a low Tier character. However, I believe a player named Dr. Gori stated that the only DLC character outside of bottom tier was Amy. Now that may change once someone gets their hands on the frame data for Cass. I am sure she is not bottom tier.

But in short, you are correct. There are in fact characters that have a clear advantage over others on the surface. Then couple that with needing the proper matchup knowledge and that makes an entirely different tier list to consider when selecting a main.

This is why despite popular opinion I say everyone needs a main and at least one off-main. One - this makes things not get stale as fast. and Two - then you have a better arsenal for going against a variety of characters.
Last edited by Cerberus; Aug 12, 2019 @ 11:21am
Chasemans Aug 12, 2019 @ 11:39am 
They need to nerf Cassandra's face, it's overpoweringly hideous.
ShadowSplit Aug 12, 2019 @ 12:32pm 
Originally posted by mcmannjm:
This is why despite popular opinion I say everyone needs a main and at least one off-main. One - this makes things not get stale as fast. and Two - then you have a better arsenal for going against a variety of characters.
I never used any other character but Taki. It's been 12 years since I started, yet never changed my main. And, I don't want to use any other character although I know some complement my playstyle way better.

Originally posted by Sown-Laughter:
that's what Soul charge and GI options are for. With maxi you have to be selective in tools with facing certain characters. otherwise you end up eating the end of someones damage stick.
I'm well aware of it. Being a Taki player can feel like that most of the time. There is a loooong way ahead of me before I can call myself good.
Habaduba Aug 12, 2019 @ 12:49pm 
Not too sure about cassandra yet, every charracter is nuts in their own way, cassie struggles tracking people propperly, aspecially out of fullcrouch, and while a good option, 6A beeing an i18 isn't quite it, aspecially since its risky, quite a few of her strings like 66BA can be option selected, in this case 66BB jails so you can hold down and duck A without risking beeing hit with B, her punishment seems fine, she's got a lot of punishment tools you really want in a charracter like i12 lowgrabs, big Wr, i12 mid Wr,Built in mixup BB, i16 mini combo launch so she isn't nesecarilly lacking in this department. Her range on the other hand is rather underwhelming, in comparrison to other charracters its preety meh, also the reward off her pressure and counterhits isn't all that big on average. Hard to say yet, got some good knockback and great Meter use, GI options are preety bad but ohhh well, its not horrible. I'd nerf her lows a bit becouse 1A is outragously fast for a low sweep that is this + and 1K beeing +2 is huge value, get 1K to be like +-0 just to be safe and slow 1A by like 2 frames for now what I'd do. I don't think the charracter is silly, well, the Chip kill is a bit too much but there are stronger picks out there. Ofc those are mine thoughts , saying "no u" won't lead anywhere coz arguing over balance gets to a verry subjective lvl.
Last edited by Habaduba; Aug 12, 2019 @ 12:51pm
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Date Posted: Aug 12, 2019 @ 12:55am
Posts: 23